Claire Danes looked great at the Fleishman is in Trouble premiere. [Go Fug Yourself]
Carl Sagan was a Scorpio, omg. [Dlisted]
Stylist Law Roach and all of his A-list clients came out to the CFDAs. [LaineyGossip]
$1200 sneakers for a horse? People have too much money. [OMG Blog]
The red wave didn’t happen. [Jezebel]
Is Adam Brody sexy? Eh. [Gawker]
Miles Teller works out in the morning. [Just Jared]
What is Manifest even about? Apparently, religion? [Pajiba]
Mckayla Maroney deserves the world so I won’t say anything about her bangs. [Egotastic]
This week’s funny tweets by ladies. [Buzzfeed]
YouTuber Nikita Dragun was arrested for felony battery. [Starcasm]
I’m so happy that Pennsylvania Democrats got so many big wins! [Towleroad]