
As I’ve said many times before, I don’t even watch Saturday Night Live these days. I haven’t stayed up to watch it in years. Some Sundays, I’ll look at summaries of the previous night’s SNL episode to see if there’s anything interesting or noteworthy, and you’d be surprised at how little actual news/gossip comes out of SNL these days (or maybe you wouldn’t be surprised). Still, I wanted to see how Dakota Johnson did as host of SNL this weekend. Dakota got the best reviews out of anyone for Fifty Shades of Grey, and for the most part, she’s riding high these days. She’s our new Kristen Stewart, only not as twitchy and awkward. So how did Dakota do? Eh. Here’s her Opening Monologue, also featuring her parents Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith.

You know what’s weird? The more she talks, the less distracting I find her bangs. She was cute here. She has a nice dry delivery for punchlines.

But the biggest headline out of this episode of SNL was this commercial. It was a parody of those tear-jerker commercials for cars or letting your kid join the armed forces. The SPOILER is that the dad is actually dropping off his daughter (Dakota) so she can join ISIS.

Is this too much? I groaned-laughed at it because I actually wasn’t expecting it to be ISIS as the punchline. But it does feel like “too far, dude!” because in the past week, a bunch of people were captured as they were about to go and join ISIS. It’s actually pretty disturbing.

People seemed to like this one too – it’s what would happen if we said what was really on our minds.

Photos courtesy of Mary Ellen Matthews/NBC, Fame/Flynet.