TMZ points us to this video (above) of Dennis Quaid absolutely going off on set. Warning if you are at work or around kids – there are multiple f bombs and it’s loud. It’s unclear where Quaid is but according to IMDB he only has one film in post-production, Truth, a dramatized version of CBS news anchor Dan Rather’s 2004 expose of George W. Bush’s questionable military record. (Rather subsequently retired when it came out that documents used for the report were faked.) Quaid plays Colonel Roger Charles. He may be dressed a little too casually for that role but the setting looks like it could be a military office. This clip could be from another set or it could be staged, it’s hard to tell. Here’s what Quaid says and some of his turns of phrase are hilarious. He seems dead serious, but as TMZ notes he’s an actor so who knows:
“What the f*k, keep going. I am acting here and this dickhead wanders onto my set. I can’t even get a line out until dopey the dick starts whispering in your ear, and you’re not even watching anymore. Don’t f*king Dennis me. I am doing my job here. I am a pro. This is most unprofessional set I have ever been on. This is horsesh*t. I’ve got these f*king zombies over here that I have to look at. I’ve got a bunch of pussies staring at me and this fucking baby. This is garbage. blow me.”
That’s some Charlie Sheen level hyperbole – “dopey the dick,””zombies” and he added a Mel Gibson sentiment at the end there for good measure – “blow me”. It’s almost too good to be true. People are wondering whether this is real or some kind of orchestrated Jimmy Kimmel stunt. If it’s fake, it’s very good. This looks absolutely real to me, but I’ve been fooled by Jimmy Kimmel’s stunts before. He loves to stage viral videos and he’s done the “freakout” videos with Matt Damon before. (Damon is the most convincing. I would pay to have him yell at me.)
Plus, Quaid’s rant bears a certain resemblance to Christian Bale’s 2009 rant on the set of Terminator: Salvation. As you may recall, Bale also freaked out about a guy wandering onto the set. He similarly called the guy unprofessional and dropped multiple f-bombs. So maybe this is just a particular pet peeve of actors because it pulls them out of character, or maybe Quaid is drawing on past rants to come up with one for a viral video.
On the other side, look at Quaid’s certifiable brother. It’s not such a stretch to believe that he would scream, yell and accuse others of acting unprofessional while he was doing just that. I checked Dennis Quaid’s social media accounts and none of them are active. TMZ also reached out for comment and there’s no word yet.
This is Quaid on Kimmel in 2013.
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