
It’s startling to realize that Duchess Kate is probably due in less than two months. Kensington Palace has maintained that Kate is due in April, and various sources claim that she’s only got seven weeks left. Kate is winding down her schedule too, after what can only be described as a “flurry” of public engagements in January and February. To her credit, I will say. She finally realize that she should do work ahead of her annual family vacay to Mustique. It was just announced that Kate will likely do her last public appearance – before giving birth – on March 11, in Margate. Go here to read more about that.

This week’s issues of Star Magazine and the National Enquirer have stories about Kate’s pregnancy and birth plan. Star’s story bothered me, mostly because I feel like it’s bad karma to start a rumor or gossip about the potential for pregnancy complications. Star says that Kate was secretly rushed to the hospital in mid-February because she thought she was going into labor. She allegedly stayed in the hospital overnight and she was fine. Perhaps Braxton-Hicks contractions? Meanwhile, the Enquirer says that the Queen yelled at Kate and ordered her NOT to do a home birth:

The Duchess of Cambridge was determined to break with tradition and deliver her first daughter in a maternity unit set up in the family apartment in Kensington Palace, royal sources told The National ENQUIRER. But when word reached Queen Elizabeth that a guest bedroom was to be equipped with every device that might be needed in an emergency, the monarch put her foot down.

“Kate was determined to have the baby in the comfort of [her] home with William present,” the palace insider said. “She consulted medical experts and they drew up plans to install all the equipment in a room close to William and Kate’s master bedroom. But they didn’t anticipate the Queen’s reaction.”

“The Queen was horrified and pointed out they must not take risks with a baby who one day will be second in line to the throne,” the source added. “It was a shock to Kate that the Queen was so concerned. Her message left Kate in no doubt that this wasn’t so much a request, but an order!”

The little princess will now come into the world in the Lindo Wing of London’s St. Mary’s Hospital in Paddington, under the care of surgeon and gynecologist Dr. Alan Farthing. After that, Kate will take charge.

“She’ll look after the baby herself without the aid of maternity nurses or nannies for at least six months,” revealed the insider. “She and William have vowed that the baby will be raised by Mom and Pop – just like any regular couple.”

[From The National Enquirer]

It was said that when Kate gave birth to George, she did it without drugs or an epidural or anything. She was doing prenatal yoga and she apparently had a relatively easy, uncomplicated natural birth. I would think that she’s probably doing the same this time around – staying fit, watching her diet, doing yoga, etc. And yes, Kate probably knew that having a home birth wasn’t an option for her in this day and age.

Last story – Radar says that Anna Wintour really, really wants Kate for the September issue of Vogue this year. A source told Radar:

“Anna knows landing Kate for the September issue would be a huge coup, especially since Prince William’s wife has never done a magazine feature for a US publication. The focus of Kate’s feature would be her numerous charity endeavors, which Anna has conveyed to Kate’s staff. Anna has offered Kate full control over the accompanying photo shoot” and would let her pick the photographer, journalist and location for the piece. “Anna has been trying for the last two years to get Kate to agree and she’s always refused.”

[From Express]

I have no doubt that Wintour would love Kate on the cover for any month. But Kate is pretty prohibited in what she can agree to do – she didn’t even appear on British Vogue ahead of her wedding. I seriously doubt Kate would agree to an American Vogue cover under any circumstance. Which is too bad, because I bet the article and editorial would be hugely gossip-worthy.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN.