Kate Middleton, aka the Duchess of Cambridge and Cornwall and the Princess of Wales, loves to cosplay and “homage.” Over the past eleven years, we’ve gotten used to all of the Diana cosplay although it’s creepy every f–king time. What I don’t understand is how Kate apparently has no one in her life saying “hon, this is coming off as massively creepy.” It was the same thing with William and Kate’s overeagerness to claim the Cornwall and then the Wales titles – no one in their carefully curated, kiss-assy all-white world has the balls to say to them “wow, that’s really tacky.”
So, something has been bugging me ever since QEII passed away – Kate has once again been extremely creepy. It really feels like the first thing she did when QEII died was raid the Queen’s jewelry. She’s worn several pairs of QEII’s earrings and Liz’s big, shiny, tacky Christmas tree brooch at the procession. Then on Saturday, Kate wore QEII’s three-strand pearl necklace to the Buckingham Palace Commonwealth lunch/reception. She also appears to have grabbed QEII’s multi-strand pearl bracelet and a pair of pearl earrings. While QEII had lots of pearl pieces in her private collection, I wonder if these pieces are part of the Royal Collection. I also wonder if Kate hauled her ass to Buckingham Palace to raid the jewelry collection as soon as she heard the news two Thursdays ago. It’s just… so tacky. It looks grasping, right? The overeagerness to grab jewelry?
As for the photos… one of the biggest problems for King Charles III is that his heir and the heir’s wife are diplomatic lightweights. My favorite photo is Kate making a conscious effort to put her colonizer hand on a Black person. My second favorite photo is Peggington pretending to listen to a Black woman.
Photos courtesy of Cover Images.
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