One of the first “gigs” that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex signed up for was a paid speaking service, where they would obviously be paid keynote speakers for hire at various conferences, summits and conferences. The pandemic kind of ruined that, but before the pandemic, the British media was beside itself with glee/drama – just the idea of Harry being paid to, like, travel to Kansas and talk to a convention of dentists, I guess. Anyway, if Harry and Meghan have been making paid speeches constantly, we haven’t heard of it (and I think we would have). I assume that Meghan got this new gig from the paid-speaking service though: she’ll travel to Indiana after Thanksgiving to make a speech a women’s group:

Meghan, Duchess of Sussex and wife of Prince Harry, will be the featured guest at a Women’s Fund of Central Indiana event Nov. 29 at the Indianapolis Marriott Downtown.

“The Power of Women: An Evening with Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex” will include an interview conducted by Rabbi Sandy Sasso, the first woman rabbi ordained by the Reconstructionist Judiasm movement. She previously led Congregation Beth-El Zedeck in Indianapolis.

Tables of 10 are available through for $5,000, half of which is tax deductible. A Women’s Fund news release notes proceeds from the event, running from 5-8:30 p.m., will support its mission “to create equitable and sustainable change for all women and girls no matter of their race, place or identity.”

Women’s Fund of Central Indiana is a special interest fund of Central Indiana Community Foundation. Previous guests at Women’s Fund events include Michelle Obama and Soledad O’Brien.

“Women’s Fund is proud to welcome Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex, to Indianapolis – a mother, feminist, and champion of human rights,” a Women’s Fund spokesperson said. “She is a lifelong advocate for women and girls, a constant thread she weaves through humanitarian and business ventures.”

[From Yahoo]

As you can imagine, the usual suspects are trying to make Meghan sound like an out-of-touch elitists bilking the Indiana billionaires for the pleasure of her company. When really, Meghan likely agreed to do a speaking engagement because this aligns perfectly with the issues she cares about. The $5000 per table is part of the fundraising scheme for this non-profit, the Women’s Fund of Central Indiana. And I suspect that Meghan probably isn’t even getting paid that much.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Misan Harriman/the Sussexes.