
Elsa Pataky covers the new issue of Women’s Health UK. The shoot is actually rather pretty, and Elsa is showing off her truly aspirational figure. She’s very athletic and props to her. I’ve never been able to get abs like that, but that’s mostly because I loathe crunches and such. In the interview, Elsa talks about how she loves being active with her three young children and her super-buff husband, of course. Some highlights:

She’s all about fitness: ‘I mean, I love fitness, I love sports – I’ve been into it since I was 15, working my body and just building it. I always admire sports bodies in women – that athletic look. Even when other people say, “Oh she’s too muscly,” I always like it. I’ll never be in that professional shape, but I like to get as close to that as I can.’

Chris and Elsa help each other: ‘He’ll hold the pads for me, although I won’t for him as he’d smash me into the wall. When he was training for Thor, he came home with this bodyfat measurer – you know, where you clip the parts where you accumulate fat? So it became a competition between us. If I had some fat somewhere I’d be like, “Grr, I’m working that part.” It’s fun, it’s just like a challenge, for no other reason that I like to challenge myself.’

On her husband being the Sexiest Man Alive: ‘It’s funny when it’s your husband. For me, sexy is the inside of someone. Of course I think he’s beautiful and fit, but I will never tell him that because he will get too, how do you say, “cocky”? He’ll be like, “What do you think of that?”
And I’ll say, “Well, I’ve been the sexiest woman in Spain for a lot of years.” It’s all just a joke, though.’

She’s in Fast & Furious 7: ‘I’m a fearless person and my dream was always to be in an action movie where the female characters are as tough as the men. I think they forgot I would be pregnant [when filming]. I did get excited about doing stunts, but then they won’t let you do anything – like, nothing. You can’t even break a nail.’

[From The Daily Mail]

I hate body fat measurers. They should have a IDGAF measurer. Anyway, it sounds like Elsa and Chris are legitimately competitive with each other. Maybe he likes that – I know a lot of men love it when their ladies join them at the gym and take equal care in their fitness routines. But it does sound… I don’t know, too competitive? I came out of this interview hoping that Chris has someone in his life where he can just hang out and each popcorn or something. And of course Elsa will never tell Chris that he’s looking good. Yeah, because men never like it if you stroke their egos, amirite?

Meanwhile, Elsa posted these on her Instagram, because Chris moved his family out of LA so his kids could grow up without the paparazzi, except Elsa will always find a way to show off their children. And you know what? She’s the one keeping him public image afloat. If it was left up to Chris, he would be insulting people right and left and living like a hermit.

Los motores de mi vida / The engines of my life ???????? #family #happiness #beautifulLife #loveThem #father #daughter

A photo posted by Elsa Pataky (@elsapatakyconfidential) on Mar 1, 2015 at 8:53pm PST

De tal palo, tal astilla! Haz un hueco en tu vida para esos momentos que importan / Like father like daughter! Make a space in your life for the little moments that count the most ???????? #family #beachTime #yogadad

A photo posted by Elsa Pataky (@elsapatakyconfidential) on Mar 1, 2015 at 10:34pm PST

Photos courtesy of Women’s Health UK, Elsa’s Instagram.