
During the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah, Emile Hirsch had too much to drink. He was out partying with some bros at like 2 am, and he ended up getting into some kind of beef with a woman. Not just any woman either – the woman was Daniele Bernfeld, a studio executive. Most people claimed that Emile was trying to start something (a fight) with Bernfeld and she kept walking away from him and Emile’s friends kept trying to keep him away from her. But at some point, he jumped on her and put her in a chokehold and dragged her across a room. She blacked out. So… yeah, it was a pretty straight-forward case of assault. And now Hirsch has been charged. The details of the assault are chilling.

What happens in Park City sometimes reverberates in the Third District Court in Utah’s Summit County. Emile Hirsch has been formally charged with felony aggravated assault and misdemeanor intoxication for allegedly attacking a woman at Tao nightclub on Jan. 25, when 2015 Sundance Film Festival revelry had taken over the city.

The criminal complaint obtained Thursday by E! News alleges that Hirsch, while appearing to be drunk, grabbed at studio executive Daniele Bernfeld, calling her a “‘rich kid’” and asking her why she looked “‘so tough.’” She pushed him away and they each went off with separate groups of friends, the complaint continues. But that’s not where the evening ended, according to Bernfeld.

“Shortly thereafter Hirsch came up from behind Bernfeld and wrapped his arm around her to put her in a chokehold,” the allegations continue, per the court documents. “Hirsch pulled Bernfeld across the table and onto the floor, where he landed on top of her. While Hirsch was on top of Bernfeld he wrapped his hands around her neck. Bernfeld said she felt as though the front and back of her throat were touching and she remembers things going dark. Bernfeld reported that she may have momentarily blacked out.”

Bystanders pulled Hirsch off her, the complaint continues, and a witness corroborated Bernfeld’s story. A responding officer, Sgt. Jay Randall, is also noted as having observed “redness on her neck and upper chest.”

Hirsch told Randall, per the report, that he was having a “verbal confrontation” with Bernfeld; the actor also admitted to having “three to four alcoholic beverages” that night. The third-degree felony charge carries a maximum punishment of five years in a Utah state prison and a $5,000 fine, while the class C misdemeanor is punishable by up to 90 days in jail and a $750 fine. A court date has been set for March 16.

[From E! News]

The details make me so uncomfortable. Hirsch had been drinking, obviously, but there seems to be an undercurrent of predatory behavior too, like he was looking for a woman to victimize. The idea that this little douchebag would jump on a woman and begin choking her… it’s profoundly disturbing.

Anyway, Emile’s people are blaming it all on the alcohol. TMZ got a statement from Hirsch’s rep, who said: “Emile consumed an enormous amount of alcohol on the evening in question and he has no memory of what happened…Emile takes these allegations very seriously, and is devastated that any of this has occurred. A few days after the incident, Emile sought help and checked himself into an alcohol rehabilitation facility, where he remains today, to ensure nothing like this ever happens again.” Whatever, dude. I hope he goes to jail. And I’m glad they charged him with felony assault.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.