Tom Cruise

HBO’s Going Clear documentary brought plenty of damaging information about Scientology to the public. Our Scientology archives contained all of this info already, but the film put it out there for the masses. Part of the film discussed the incredibly close friendship between Tom Cruise and CO$ leader David Miscavige. Tom is considered by many to be #2 in command of Scientology. It’s not as if Tom would officially take over the helm if something happened to Dave, yet Tom’s influence runs far in the cult. He’s treated like a god, including gifts of slave labor. Some people think Tom is simply brainwashed about what happens behind the CO$ scenes. I’m not letting him off that easy. Dave’s own niece, Jenna Miscavige, believes Tom knows exactly how CO$ runs, or he’s “willfully ignorant.

For the past several years, Scientology has experienced money troubles (despite its tax-free status, which should be revoked). The cult still technically has $1.5 billion in assets. A lot of that amount is tied up in property and a large overhead. Liquid assets are a problem because, thanks to the internet (and this new doc), people are no longer signing up for their nonsense. Not even their remaining cheerleaders like John Travolta can recruit for the cause. The CO$ has ordered its remaining members to not watch tv because they’re trying to stop the exodus.

Interestingly enough, Tom Cruise hasn’t said a thing about Going Clear. He used to be one of their most outspoken faithful, and he quite nearly destroyed his career in the process. A decade after that PR disaster, Scientology is smart enough to keep their main moneymaker quiet. They desperately need Tom’s Mission: Impossible 5 to be a success because Tom’s backend deals with studios are sweet. And because Tom’s basically funding the CO$ at this point, according to the NY Daily News:

There’s no mission impossible for Scientologists.

Tom Cruise is such a force for Scientology that followers believe the action movie star bankrolls much of the church’s dealings — even its network of spies.

That’s what a private investigator allegedly working for Scientology leader David Miscavige — billing the church $10,000 per week — told Wisconsin police when they brought the gumshoe in for questioning in July 2013.

“Where do you think the funding comes from?” an investigator asked Florida-based PI Daniel Powell in audio recordings obtained by The Daily News.

“Probably Tom Cruise,” Powell said around the 36-minute mark. There’s audible laughter on the recording, but it’s no joke. “I’m being serious,” Powell continued. “That’s probably where it comes from.”

The 21-year-old Powell spoke with West Allis Police after his father, Dwayne S. Powell, was stopped while staking out Miscavige’s 79-year-old father.

Cops discovered two rifles, four handguns, 2,000 rounds of ammunition, a stun gun and homemade silencer on the elder Powell.

“(Tom Cruise) funds the church with anything they need. So he’s pretty much funding all of this,” Powell said of the army of people he alleged the church was spying on.

“We make jokes all the time — when Tom Cruise’s last movie came out — it was a terrible movie,” Powell said. “We we’re going around telling everybody how awesome the movie was. Go see the movie so Tom Cruise can get paid and we can get paid.”

[From NY Daily News]

This report (which comes from one of the PIs that CB discussed) arrives with plenty of irony. Tom probably ended up paying for the spies who brought him back when he defected during his marriage to Nicole Kidman. Now that the CO$ can’t recruit any fresh meat, they’re even more desperate for money. I’ve already hinted at how Tom is selling off property like crazy. Tom’s Hollywood Hills home on the market (for $13 million), and his Telluride estate is up for grabs too (for a mere $59 million). Will all of the money go to Scientology when the property sells? It wouldn’t surprise me.

One of the world’s biggest movie stars is completely under the thumb of this cult. But I don’t feel sorry for him at all. Tom willingly ignores his youngest daughter so he can hang from airplanes like an idiot and give more money to CO$. This cult has forced so many of its members to sell their homes and hand the money over to the organization. If Tom bankrupts himself by funding this cult, then so be it.

Tom Cruise

Photos courtesy of Freedom magazine, Fame/Flynet & WENN

Film set for 'Mission: Impossible 5'