You guys, I’ve been missing Alamooney. I know, it’s weird! George Clooney was so “extra” while promoting Tomorrowland, but now that the promotion is over, he’s gone (relatively) dark again. And I miss George and Amal. I miss the stories of how Amal is the most fashionable, the most humanitarian, the smartest, the coolest, the most amazing unicorn ever and that’s how she landed The Eternal Bachelor. Of course no one was buying it, but I still miss those stories.
Anyway, these are some photos of George shooting an ad campaign for Omega’s Speedmaster. They were shooting the ad in Los Cabos, Mexico. Did George and Amal fly from Kentucky (where they were last week) to Mexico? That’s a pretty easy schedule. George barely spent a week promoting Tomorrowland in Europe and Asia. I guess Disney was like, “Ugh, George isn’t helping.” The Hollywood Reporter said yesterday that Tomorrowland will probably end up being one of the biggest flops of the year and it’s on track to lose $140 million for Disney. Yikes. Which brings me to a very interesting story in last week’s Star Magazine:
Reviews and ticket sales for George Clooney’s latest flick, Tomorrowland, have been dismal. But while the film has flopped, his wife Amal’s red carpet appearances have been stellar and sources say that George isn’t taking that well.
“George isn’t used to playing second fiddle. He acts as though he’s laid-back, but he’s very irritable at the moment,” says a close insider. “He never imagined he’d feel overshadowed. Now it’s happening – and he’s discovered he doesn’t like it at all.”
According to the source, George is slipping back into the same kind of moody funk he did after his last bomb, Monuments Men – and Amal is feeling the brunt of it.
“He has a huge fear of becoming irrelevant. Amal tells him to stop being ridiculous, but he can’t help himself. He’s starting to complain about petty stuff, and it’s getting old. Amal undrstands that he’s under tremendous pressure, but she doesn’t want her moment to be dulled by his petulant behavior.”
[From Star Magazine, print edition]
For what it’s worth, I think George enjoys the fact that Amal has become a “star.” That was his goal – he ended up Pretty Woman-ing her, just like all of his previous girlfriends. His press machine hyped her, he bought her new clothes and some better hair and makeup people and voila! A woman who can be billed as “George’s equal.” Now, all that being said, I will believe that his idea was for Amal to be his EQUAL, not to overshadow him. And he probably is pissy about that and with the two flops in a row. Seriously, why did Disney spend $330 million making Tomorrowland?
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
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