Gwyneth Paltrow did an interview with Bloomberg News on Friday. I wish I could say that I poured over the video, hanging on her every word, but I had to stop the video about one minute in because her voice gets on my last nerve. If you’re made of stronger stuff, you can watch the video here. Thankfully, other sites had already pulled the best quotes. Gwyneth talked to Bloomberg News about Goop and how she’s an entrepreneur and businesswoman and brand nowadays. Which she is, I guess, although her focus is so narrow, it’s a wonder she makes any profit from peasants actually buying her crap. Some highlights:
Whether is “out of touch”: “I think there is sometimes a miscommunication. We aren’t a super-luxury site but we’re aspirational. We have things on there that cost $4. We have things on there that cost $500. Sometimes I think that some of the criticism Goop gets is because people haven’t actually gone to the site and looked around and seen what we actually are.”
She doesn’t want to be super-involved with Goop in 20 years: “I very much want Goop to be its own stand-alone brand. I know at this point it’s inextricably me but we are a team of amazing people who bring incredible ideas to the site and it’s not only me. My dream would be that in 20 years, people would sort of recollect that I maybe had something to do with it at one point and my involvement would be less essential. I never wanted to do a proprietary brand. I wanted it to be its own thing that my children could run one day if they wanted to.”
Starting her own business: “I was a fool and I had no idea what I was getting myself into. But I have to say it’s been incredibly rewarding. I learn so much every day and we’re in a really exciting time in the business right now and it’s amazing to be the creative force and also to understand what’s going on on the fiscal side and with raising money and all of that. It’s very challenging. It’s a side to me that I didn’t necessarily know that I possess.”
[From E! News]
I think she has learned a lot on the job (if you want to call it that) with Goop. I still visit Goop every now and then to see what she’s shilling, and the site is much more efficiently organized and well-run than it was in its first years. But will Goop be a stand-alone brand that will still be around in 20 years? Eh. I have my doubts. People like Jessica Simpson and Jennifer Lopez have successful brands because A) they actually make affordable stuff for peasants and B) because they work with major retailers (I think J.Lo is exclusive to Kohl’s now?). Will we see Goop at Macy’s? Or will Goop always be a minor little niche?
And Gwyneth is talking out of both sides of her mouth on the “out of touch” criticism – Goop is the very definition of “stuff rich people like.” She’s shilling $1100 blazers (the largest size is 10, because Goop has a “no fatties” rule) and $650 shorts.
Photos courtesy of Instagram, WENN.
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