Helen Mirren stars with Harrison Ford in the newest Yellowstone spinoff, 1923 Yellowstone. I haven’t caught Yellowstone fever yet but I want to see Harrison and Helen together again so I intend to check it out. They were electric in The Mosquito Coast. Helen’s been giving interviews to magazines like AARP and People to promote 1923 Yellowstone and they’re asking her about her amazing career and famous boyfriends. I knew she’d worked with Peter O’Toole but I didn’t know she dated him. If I had a time machine, I’d make a play for Peter O’Toole. I’d regret it, but I have a bagful of men I regret already, why not land a lion? Anyway, Helen didn’t dish too much about Peter, she spoke more about Liam Neeson with whom she lived for four years and still adores, even if they weren’t meant to be. And, of course, her husband of 25 years, Taylor Hackford. When People asked her how Taylor makes her feel beautiful, Helen said he doesn’t, because it’s not necessary.

On Liam Neeson: We were not meant to be together in that way, but we loved each other very, very much. I love him deeply to this day. He’s such an amazing guy. We didn’t date, we lived together for four years — we were a serious item for a while. Lucky me!

On how Taylor Hackford makes her feel beautiful: Oh, he doesn’t! I don’t think he ever makes me feel beautiful. It’s not necessary. That’s not what I love him for, honestly.

On the pandemic: I’ve worked every year since I was 20. COVID was the first time in the whole of my life I’ve not worked for six months.

[So many people] were suffering through that terrible, terrible time, but what was valuable for me was that I got to spend time with my husband and sit across the table from him every night for six months — which I’ve never done before — and not worry about or even think about work.

[From Yahoo!]

I went back and forth with Helen’s comments about Taylor not making her feel beautiful. I love that she said them, but I was trying to think if I would give the same answer. Ultimately, I would. My husband tells me I’m beautiful often. And I feel beautiful around him. But Helen’s right, that’s a me thing. I’m responsible for that, not him. Like Helen, we appreciate our husbands sharing their thoughts with us, but we own how we project ourselves.

More specific to Helen – she is correct that it’s not necessary. She’s Helen Mirren, who the hell doesn’t know she’s beautiful?

I understand what Helen said about the pandemic. I know it’s hard to put a positive spin on that period but it’s like the families who had babies during the pandemic and were able to stay home with them in a way they wouldn’t have otherwise. Silver lining and all that. Since Helen is probably facing the idea of slowing down in her career, being able to preview it must have been good for her.

Photo credit: AARP and Cover Images