InTouch Weekly has been doing a bang-up job with their reporting on this Duggar horror show. After Part 1 of the Duggars’ Fox News interview last Wednesday, InTouch released an amazing takedown of all of the lies Michelle and Jim-Bob told Megyn Kelly. Part 2 of Kelly’s interview aired on Friday night, and most media outlets did coverage that night or the next day – go here to read my assessment of Jessa and Jill’s interview. While they are profoundly sympathetic, they also told a whole lotta lies. So on Sunday, In Touch released their second Duggar takedown, which is – at this point – easily InTouch’s sixth major exclusive on this continuing horror show. You can read the full piece here – the headline is “11 Things the Duggars are Still Hiding After Second Interview.” The following is my summary and edit of the piece.
The “licensed” counseling lies. The Duggars maintained that the whole family got “licensed” counseling, but InTouch points out that Jim-Bob and Michelle “apparently waited FOUR years” after the 2002/03 molestations. The Duggars also omitted the fact that the licensed counseling happened as part of the Department of Human Services investigation in 2006/07. Josh Duggar’s victims did not get counseling back in 2002/03.
The police reports contradict the story of Josh’s “mild touching” of his “mostly asleep” victims. In Touch’s reading of the police reports includes the fact that Josh’s behavior escalated over the course of a year. Josh’s first victims were asleep, but when he was 15, he molested his five year old sister when she was sitting on his lap and he also cornered one girl in the laundry room and put his hand up her dress. The Springfield police report “also reveals that Josh molested another awake victim outside the home.”
Josh’s behavior showed sexual compulsion, not curiosity. InTouch quotes a psychologist named Dr. Paula Bruce who asserts, “None of them acknowledged that this is predatory behavior. It’s classic. It’s got dominance and exploitation…That’s a pattern of someone who is becoming more sexually compulsive and increasingly so. That’s not the pattern of someone who is resolving their sexual compulsivity.”
The failure of the “safeguards.” Jim-Bob and Michelle claimed they put “safeguards” between Josh and his victims soon after Josh self-reported in March 2002. But they didn’t address the fact that Josh was still molesting for the next year. And why did it take a full year for Josh to be removed from the house?
Josh paid for his own counseling. Jim-Bob, Michelle, Jessa and Jill all stated that Josh paid for his own counseling. But… they didn’t say when. Josh didn’t get counseling from a mental health professional until five years after the initial 2002 molestations. His “counseling” in 2003 was done by “a family friend who remodeled homes but was not a licensed mental health professional, according to the police report.”
The Duggars did not fully cooperate with authorities. The police requested an interview with Josh in 2008 (when Josh was 18) and Josh refused to go. Jim-Bob hired a lawyer for Josh and Josh refused to be questioned. That’s not “fully cooperating.”
Jessa and Jill called out the Arkansas DHS. Except as I said on Friday, the DHS records were not part of the FOIA request. Nothing from the DHS investigation has been reported or leaked. Also, the Duggars participation in the DHS investigation was mandatory, not optional.
The Duggars flew in a crisis public relations specialist. InTouch got a tip that a “plane used by the Duggars show that it flew to the location of their crisis public relations specialist prior to giving these interviews in an attempt to save their TLC show.” The Duggars also met with “their own PR team” ahead of the interviews.
InTouch has gotten advice from first amendment lawyers. Those lawyers believe that if the Duggars try to sue InTouch, they would not have a legal leg to stand on. The Duggars are especially up sh-t creek because Arkansas has some of the best public records laws in America.
The police investigation records were not “juvenile records.” The Duggars repeatedly claimed that they were. Because the Duggars were only investigated years after Josh’s year full of molestations, Josh was 18 years old by the time the investigations were concluded.
The destroyed police record. Judge Stacy Zimmerman ordered the police records to be destroyed following InTouch’s FOIA requests (which had already been granted). The judge only heard an “emergency argument” from the Duggars’ lawyer and most legal experts believe that the judge had no right to unilaterally order the records destruction.
Megyn Kelly is a dumbass. InTouch notes that Megyn Kelly repeated attacked InTouch with specious if not outright false claims about their FOIA requests. In Touch writes: “FOIA documents obtained by In Touch show that Fox also tried to get the police report to report the story AFTER it first came out. Their request was denied.” Oh ho ho.
[From In Touch Weekly]
God, I don’t think I’ve ever loved a tabloid more. In Touch has brass balls for following through on this story so completely. And OF COURSE the Duggars flew in a crisis manager to coach them for the interviews. Here’s what I want to know: did TLC arrange the plane? Did TLC pay for the crisis manager to protect their “brand”? And why the hell hasn’t TLC canceled this GD show by now?
Photos courtesy of the Duggars’ social media.
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