The final (as much as these franchises ever end) Halloween film opened over the weekend. This might actually be the end because apparently, it’s not good. Even with original Scream Queen, Jamie Lee Curtis, back in her role as Laurie Strode. But a couple of dozen bad reviews was not stopping Jamie from looking drop dead gorgeous at the premiere in a red, sparkly, off the shoulder Ralph Lauren Collection gown. Her dates for the evening were her daughters, Annie and Ruby Guest, both of whom wore black and silver gowns. When Jamie spoke with Spanish radio Cadena SER, she talked about how acutely aware she is of the threats to Ruby, who Jamie announced was trans last summer. She acknowledged that by simply existing, there are people who want to see Ruby dead and that scares Jamie, so she’s trying to do what she can to change that. And Jamie thinks it should scare everyone else into action too.

The Halloween Ends star, 63, told Spanish radio network Cadena SER in an interview published Tuesday that increases in transphobia and hate speech against transgender people like Ruby, 26, scares her.

“I have a trans daughter. There are threats against her life, just for existing as a human being. There are people who want to annihilate her, her and people like her,” Curtis said. “The level of hatred is … as if we had not learned from fascism, as if we hadn’t learned what the result of that is. The extermination of human beings. That’s terrifying.”

“So Jamie Lee Curtis is scared, and so should you be,” she continued. “And Jamie Lee Curtis has a voice, and she’s trying to use it, and you should too.”

The actress added, “And that’s how we change things, by thinking about them, learning about them, and then using our voices to draw attention and fight them.”

[From People]

The threat against transgender people in the US is frightening. Both their physical safety and their political and legislative safety. Of course Jamie is scared for Ruby. When Jamie announced Ruby’s transition, she was so excited to watch Ruby go through this journey. But as Ruby’s parent, she’s going to be keenly aware of all the threats towards her and I’m sure every crime committed against trans people jumps off the page at Jamie. This is what people like J.K. Rowling and Dave Chapelle don’t get. Whatever point they think they’re making is still being used to fuel transphobia that leads to violence and loss of civil liberties. Even if that isn’t their intent, that’s what’s happening and they refuse to acknowledge their part in it. So Jamie’s right, we all have to use our voices to shout over the ones who think their singular issue isn’t doing any harm.

In addition to Ruby, Jamie’s looking out for Lindsay Lohan, whom she wants to star in a Freaky Friday sequel with. Jamie’s already pitched it to Disney and apparently Jamie and Lindsay still talk. I’m glad. If Lindsay’s getting back on the right path, Jamie will be a good tether for her.

Photo credit: Instagram and Avalon Red