Jane Fonda is 77 years old and still shilling. She’s shilling her newest book, Being a Teen: Everything Teen Girls & Boys Should Know About Relationships, Sex, Love, Health, Identity & More, and she’s shilling some various projects, like Grace & Frankie, with Lily Tomlin. While I admire the fact that Fonda still feels like she has stuff to say to the world and art to create, I hope when I’m 77 years old, I don’t still feel like “look at me, I have something to say!” Jane covers the new issue of DuJour – you can read the full interview here. It’s actually a pretty long piece and she covers a wide variety of topics, so if you’re into Jane Fonda, I would recommend reading the full piece. It reads as a retrospective of her life and career, but what’s startling is how many times she’s completely changed her personality/life/career, etc. Some highlights:
Winning her first Oscar in 1972: “I wore a Saint Laurent wool suit—black. A Mao wool suit that I’d had for five years. I never had a stylist. I didn’t know you could get someone to come and do your makeup. I thought you had to buy a dress.”
Ted Turner told her ‘People aren’t supposed to change after 60′: “I think about that all the time. He has hardly changed. And I feel like a different human being.”
Her second marriage to Tom Hayden & winning her second Oscar in 1979: “I wore a dress that a Tom supporter had made. I went home after. In a station wagon. Because Tom didn’t like going to those parties. I never went to a party. Ever.”
Looking young: “People always say, Oh my god, how do you stay looking so blah blah blah. I’ve had plastic surgery. I’ve talked about that. That doesn’t matter. What matters is realizing you can always get better. That you have to keep taking leaps of faith. It gets harder as you get older. You have to stay brave and keep trying to go beyond your comfort zone and see what you need to get to become who you’re supposed to be.”
Questioning her priorities over the years: “As I look back over my life, which I do a lot, I sometimes wonder if it was a mistake that I had so many other things besides acting. Would it have been better if I had focused more?”
She’s still scattered: “It started maybe six or seven months ago. I have to be very intentional about keeping myself grounded and centered. I can fly off and become scattered and lose confidence…In everything.”
Who she is now: “A feminist, small-c Christian who is studying Buddhism.”
Whether she would stump for Hillary Clinton: “No. Not because I don’t care for her and admire her and respect her, but I don’t stump for anybody anymore.” Because you’re polarizing? “Hmm hmm. They don’t ask me. But you know, I hope she wins. More than that, I hope if she wins that it will make a difference.”
She still smokes weed: “I’ll smoke pot every now and then. I cannot see a movie on pot. The number of movies I’ve seen thinking, This is probably the best I have ever seen, and then I’ll see it again sober and think, What was I thinking?”
[From DuJour]
Yeah, it would be bad if Jane Fonda came out to stump for Hillary Clinton. I think it’s politically smart for Fonda to be the one to say “I don’t stump for anyone now.” We know she’s a liberal. I’m glad she’s not putting her face on political campaigns these days. Beyond politics, I think it would be fun to sit around with Jane and get high and talk about all the dudes she’s dated over the years.
Jane’s outfit at the Grammys was crazy, right?
Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet, Thomas Whiteside/DuJour.
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