Look who’s two!
Bachelor couple Jason and Molly Mesnick celebrated their daughter Riley‘s second birthday at ROMP in Seattle, WA on March 15.
Sporting her stylish Stride Rite shoes, the birthday girl looked cute as can in a red and white polka-dot dress at her Minnie Mouse-themed bash.
With party favors personalized with Mabel’s Labels’ Bag Tags, guests went home with various goodies, including Net Nanny gift cards — a software to keep kids safe online.
Celebrity Baby Scoop caught up with the proud parents about the birthday bash. Continue reading about the highlights of the party, how the reality star couple called on Jenny Cookies for a little help, and their huge upcoming project.
CBS: Tell us about Riley’s recent birthday bash. What were some of the highlights of the party? Tell us about some of Riley’s favorite gifts.
MM: “We went with a Minnie Mouse theme since Riley is all about Mickey Mouse Clubhouse these days. Once the theme was chosen, Jenny Cookies went all out with details. I loved having the Minnie/Mickey socks and ears for every guest as they entered the party. It really set the tone for the rest of the day.
With a Minnie Mouse party theme came a lot of Minnie Mouse gifts. Riley received puzzles, stuffed animals, books, clothes and more. Her favorite gift this year was definitely her American Girl Bitty Baby. She just loves to be a ‘mom’ — and she’s a really good one!”
CBS: On Riley’s first birthday, you invited 100 people to celebrate. Did you go over-the-top this time around?
MM: “I wanted this year’s party to be all about the kids, versus last year when I made the party all about the adults since Riley was only turning 1 at the time. We hosted the party at a location called ROMP, which is a modern, open play space for kids. There were tons of toys, crafts, and coloring stations so that all of the kids, no matter the age, had options of things to keep them entertained.
CBS: Can you believe your baby is already two? What is she into these days? What does she do to make you laugh?
MM: “It sounds so cliché, but when people tell you it “goes by so fast,” it truly does. I cannot get over how big Riley is, but each stage gets better and better. Riley is a really good communicator. She can say all of her ABCs; loves to sing and dance. I love hearing her tell me stories — she has quite the imagination already. Yesterday, she told me that a “storm was coming, so we needed to hide in the tent.” Seriously, how do kids pick up stuff like this?”
CBS: How is big brother Ty doing? Are you hoping to add to the brood soon? Perhaps you have a special announcement to share with us?
MM: “Ty is amazing. He has turned into such a polite and mature kid, and he’s an even better brother. Riley absolutely adores him and wants to copy everything he’s doing. She even pretends to play his video games with him. We take the batteries out of the second controller, so she feels like she’s actually playing the game. It’s adorable.
No big announcement any time soon. We are currently building a new house, which won’t be complete until the holidays, so I don’t think we’ll even start talking about the idea of more kids until we’re in the new house.
I like the idea of Riley having a sibling closer in age, but at the same time I want to be sure our entire family fits in one car. So if we add to the family, it will be maybe one more at most.”
CBS: Any other special projects you’re working on right now?
MM: “The biggest project in our life right now is the new house. I am so excited to get in there and start decorating. It has been so much fun going through the process.”
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