
People Magazine parceled out their exclusive interview with Jennifer Aniston. Part 1 was “Miss Havisham discusses how her absentee fiance will wear a wedding ring.” Part 2 is “Mama’s got shill for all of her contracts.” Like every other interview Aniston has done in the past four months, the shilling is constant, ceaseless and annoying. So here are Aniston’s thoughts on tanning, skincare, water, etc:

She’s wearing less makeup these days: “I’m less attached to [makeup] now. And Justin [Theroux] loves me without. He likes it when I smoke up my eyes!”

(Smart)water: “I drink water endlessly. Like five [bottles] a day. Now it’s just such habit. There are so many lazy water drinkers!”

She stopped tanning: “I gave myself a sun-tanning intervention a few years ago, where I was basically saying, ‘Let’s just quit while we’re ahead.’ I was not great as a kid with sunscreen. That’s one of my big regrets. Now I use Aveeno Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer SPF 15.”

Feeling good at any age: “We’re going to feel good about ourselves if we see another woman who is 50 and rocking it. If society is telling you to sit it out after 40, you diminish yourself. Believe what you feel. If you feel crappy about yourself, it’s going to show.”

[From People]

I can’t believe she didn’t mention her hair! God, that will probably be Part 3 of People’s exclusive, I’m sure. As for this stuff… I’m going to need to see the receipts of Jennifer’s “sun-tanning intervention.” Granted, she hasn’t been on a constant vacation cycle in Cabo lately, but I’m almost positive that she’s still laying out in the sun and getting tan the old fashioned way. As for seeing a 50-year-old woman “rocking it” – that’s how I feel about women like Helen Mirren, women who own their age AND speak with substance about more than their hair.

Meanwhile, some of us have been wondering why Aniston seems to be doing all of these interviews to promote nothing more than her advertising contracts. Doesn’t she have films coming up? Why doesn’t this year’s #1 Oscar-snubbed have more offers? Well, OK! Magazine (I know, I know, but stay with me) says that Jennifer is really worried because the scripts aren’t coming in. A source says:

“She’s desperate to land the lead in another drama. She wants to be on that podium next awards season, but with no offers coming in, she’s starting to fear it may not happen. She knows that there are edgy roles out there, and she’d be willing to fund an indie film in order to get one. But at the same time, Jen would much rather be approach to star in someone else’s project. She doesn’t want anyone thinking that she’s buying her success.”

[From Star Magazine]

During the Oscar season, I did wonder if Jennifer’s campaign was going to blow up in her face long-term. Like, she really, really wanted an Oscar nomination, to the point where she paid an Oscar-campaign consultant a lot of money to “coach” her. She came across as a little bit desperate AND like she was trying to “game” the system with what turned out to be a decent-but-not-great performance in a film no one saw or cared to see. The “punishment” was that Aniston didn’t get an Oscar nomination. But is she being punished long-term by producers who don’t want any part of her self-promoting nonsense? Or is it more of a case of…well, Hollywood just doesn’t want to hire a 47 year old woman for many roles at all?

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and Pacific Coast News.