Do you think Jennifer Aniston is culture snob? I do not. I think she has tried unsuccessfully to be a culture snob in the past, but at a certain point, no one was buying it and she gave up. Nowadays, she freely admits to watching trash TV and reading silly self-help books, just like everybody else. During her failed Oscar campaign, didn’t she even admit to watching The Bachelor and The Bachelorette? Yes, she did. She called those shows “great junk food” and a “train wreck.” Well, she has another junk-TV show: Keeping Up with the Kardashians. No, Jen, no!!! Some more highlights from her endlessly parceled-out People Magazine interview:
She loves KUWTK: ”I sadly am very much interested in the Kardashian-Jenner thing. That’s a guilty pleasure for sure.”
On Caitlyn Jenner’s VF cover: ”I thought it was beautiful.”
Taking over Living Proof’s Instagram for a day: “I was so stressed out, sweating bullets. It was too much pressure. For these Kardashians, it’s a career!”
She’s worried about social media’s larger effect: “Kids aren’t speaking to each other anymore. I was with friends of ours from Vermont and their two kids don’t have an iPhone or an iPad. They were 9 and 12 and were the most interesting young adults. Seeing other kids on their [phones] all the time, it makes me sad.”
She hasn’t named all of her chickens: “We attempted to do that, but there are 17 of them now. I’ve lost track because they all look alike! We did get two baby chicks as a gift named Justin and Jen.”
[From People Magazine]
“I’ve lost track because they all look alike.” Jennifer Aniston is racist about chickens!! CHICKEN RACE WAR. Ha, since I know there will be some Jen Hens (literally!!!) butthurt about that, it was a joke. Aniston is not racist about chickens. But please feel free to make some hashtags about that happen. #AnistonIsRacistAboutChickens #AnistonThinksAllChickensLookAlike
As for her interest in Keeping Up with the Kardashians… I’m not judging her. We’ve all been there, haven’t we? It’s a lazy weekend, you’re flipping through the channels and you end up watching the Kardashian sisters get bikini waxes or something and you get stuck. Your mind wanders and actually form opinions about them. “Kourtney is so dumb and self-centered,” you think to yourself. “Kim actually makes a good point there.” That’s how they get you.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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