
I almost majored in Religion in college. I loved my comparative religion classes and while I’ve never been a religious person, I was fascinated by so many aspects of comparative religion and the evolution of many religions. It’s always funny to me that American Christians – particularly the Southern Baptists – think they have the franchise on godliness or purity. Which leads me to a Facebook post made by Jessa Duggar-Seewald yesterday. Jessa is all of 22 years old, which means she obviously knows everything about everything. Jessa usually uses her social media to promote her politics and religion, and it’s usually about reproductive rights and how the ladies shouldn’t have them (except that I’m pretty sure she’s on the Pill). Anyway, Jessa posted a lengthy Facebook yesterday, the point of which is that “judge not lest ye be judged” should not apply, because judgy Christians are doing the Lord’s work by judging other people.

One of the most quoted verses from the Bible is Matthew 7:1 “Judge not!” Whenever someone speaks out against something that God calls sin, “Don’t judge!” can be heard coming from a thousand lips. People don’t like to have other people disapprove of the way they’re choosing to live their life.

I will speak to you a hard truth. I do not write this because I think that it will bring me popularity. It won’t. But it is Truth from the Word of God: the Bible. To not tell people this is to hide the truth from them. To keep silent is to not care for their eternal destiny! I care about you, and this is why I am speaking out!

In this world, people have seared their consciences. The standard of what is “ok” or “permissible” in our society today, hardly reflects God’s standard. People are content to live on in lying, cursing, pride, anger, bitterness, disrespecting of parents, lust, pornography, fornication, adultery, and other sexual sins– and if anyone tries to confront them, their attitude and response is, “You live your life, I’ll live mine. Don’t you tell me what to do! Only God can judge me!”

They don’t even realize what they’re saying. God’s judgement isn’t something to be taken lightly! It should scare you! Man’s “judgement” is a 1000x lighter… usually just a voicing of disapproval. But when unbelieving, sinful men die and stand before God, He justly condemns them to hell.

[From Jessa’s Facebook]

There’s a lot more on that post, but you can just go to the link if you want to roll your eyes at her. This should be taken as an FYI – if Jessa comes up to you, ranting about what you’re doing wrong, you’re not allowed to shrug and tell her “You do you, mind your business.” She’s only judging you (harlot!) because she cares. And she cares because… the Bible. The Bible that says “judge not lest ye be judged.” How about this one, Jessa? “Pride comes before the fall.”

Photos courtesy of Jessa’s social media.