Yesterday we saw a video from Dennis Quaid in which he seemed to channel Christian Bale’s infamous on set freakout. Quaid ranted and raved at a perceived slight while he was working, claiming that he was interrupted, that it was the “most unprofessional set” he’s ever been on, and that the director (presumably) wasn’t paying attention to him. He swore a lot and used creative phrasing, including calling someone “dopey the dick,” calling the crew “zombies” and “pussies,” and adding “blow me,” a la Mel Gibson, at the end. It seemed way too familiar to be true, especially since the reasoning for his anger was just about the same as Bale’s – someone interrupting his work.

Many people, including me, wondered whether the video was one of Jimmy Kimmel’s staged viral videos. Some of you mentioned that Quaid has pulled pranks in the past, including with Ellen DeGeneres. And of course Quaid has also appeared on Kimmel, like so many other celebrities. On last night’s show, Kimmel denied having anything to do with Quaid’s leaked video. Of course he mocked it too, and included an hilarious Daffy Duck montage set to Quaid’s rant. (You can see that video above.) Here’s more, thanks to E!

“I watched that video last night about 14 times, although my favorite part was this: ‘I can’t even get a line out with Dopey the Dick whispering in my ear.’ For the next eight years, I’m planning to call everyone Dopey the Dick. I might have a T-shirt printed up…I watched this a bunch of times last night, and when I woke up this morning, I was being blamed for it. There are two-dozen articles online, thousands of comments, suggesting that this is a prank video and I am responsible for it.”

“I have to say, it’s disappointing. Because you play like 50 pranks and all of a sudden people don’t trust you anymore,” said Kimmel, who masterminded the “Worst Twerk Fail EVER” and “Epic #SochiFail: Wolf in my hall” pranks.

“Did you ever consider that maybe Dennis was doing voiceover for a new cartoon? That’s right! He’s playing Dennis Duck,” he said. The jokes didn’t end there, with Kimmel saying, “I promised we’d get to the bottom of this Dennis Quaid video controversy. The truth is, the reason Dennis released that video is to promote his new children’s book, Dopey the Dick. I read it to my daughter last night.”

[From E! Online]

The Daffy Duck clip was clever and reminds me of Alec Baldwin screaming at Dora The Explorer. Kimmel may not have had anything to do with Quaid’s rant, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t a stunt. There are plenty of other options, and TMZ points out that Quaid is currently promoting “his new scripted drama on Crackle.” They have video of a paparazzi asking him “what happened on set?” All Quaid does is smile and say “come on.”

Deadline has the details on Quaid’s new series. It’s called The Art of More and is about “the surprisingly cutthroat world — of premium auction houses, filled with hustlers, smugglers, power mongers and collectors.” Quaid plays a real estate broker and it costars Christian Cooke (Magic City) and Kate Bosworth. If the “leaked” video was meant to generate buzz for that show, it worked well. I’m kind of excited to hear an explanation for it.

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