Are you still upset that Jon Snow is deader than dead, deady dead dead dead? I am, a little bit, but only because the writers and Kit Harington are being SO obtuse with their denials and insistence on saying that OF COURSE Jon Snow is dead and never, ever coming back (or not coming back “next season”). But there’s already a veritable cornucopia of conspiracies forming on the interwebs about Jon and how He Knows Nothing, Especially About Being Dead. So, let’s get to it.
Kit Harington won’t be at Comic-Con this year. HBO hosts a Game of Thrones panel discussion every year at San Diego Comic-Con, and every year, they invite the recently killed-off actors to come out. Last year, Pedro Pascal came out and talked about how much he loved playing Prince Oberyn. This year, Kit – arguably the biggest death shocker in several seasons – will not be at Comic-Con. WHAT DOES IT MEAN?! Also missing from this year’s GoT panel: George RR Martin, DB Weiss and David Benioff.
Conspiracy: George RR Martin’s next book won’t have any Jon Snow. That’s the theory, that The Winds of Winter, Martin’s next book, won’t have much of anything to do with Jon and then Martin will focus on Jon’s story in the seventh book, A Dream of Spring. This is sort of based on Martin’s present-tense wording in a recent interview, where he referenced what “Jon Snow’s arc is gonna be.” As in, there’s still an arc to go on? Of course, in a recent interview, Martin said that he was still trying to figure out how a major female character was going to die. Huh.
Season 6 may include info about Jon Snow’s parents. You know, R+L=J. The reasoning for this is sort of… intense. The GoT site Watchers On the Wall got their hands on some casting info for Season 6, and producers MIGHT be casting for Arthur Dayne. Which means Season 6 might involve a flashback to the Tower of Joy, which might mean we finally learn about what really happened with Lyanna Stark. Maybe. Might. And why go through all that if Jon Snow is never coming back?
The Khaleesi doesn’t think Jon Snow is dead. Emilia Clarke chatted with MTV and of course they asked her some GoT questions (even though she was promoting that Terminator movie). Emilia admits that Dan Weiss and David Benioff don’t tell her anything because “they know that I can’t lie very well.” Interesting. She says that they haven’t told her about Jon Snow’s REAL fate so “I can, with all honesty, say I have no idea what’s happening.” Emilia says that if she was laying down money on it, she’d say Jon Snow has a “50/50” shot at being not-dead.
Is this the nerdiest thing I’ve ever written? Probably. I’d like to think that there are Jon Snow Birthers (fans of R+L=J) AND Jon Snow Truthers (fans that say Jon Snow will be resurrected).
Photos courtesy of HBO/GoT.
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