Kanye West showed his latest Yeezy collection in Paris on Monday. It didn’t go over well, because he turned up to the show with right-wing fascist nutjob Candace Owens, and they both wore “White Lives Matter” sweatshirts. Not only that, Kanye put Black models in those same sweatshirts and made them walk his runway. People had a lot to say about Kanye’s immersion into the white supremacist Sunken Place. It was also clear that Kanye is doing this sh-t for attention, like always, because he feeds on the negative reactions he gets when he, say, wears a MAGA hat or a White Lives Matter sweatshirt. He thrives on it because then, like every fragile white person, he gets to play the victim and act like he’s being martyred for his white supremacist ideology.

Vogue contributor and Garbage editor Gabriella Karefa-Johnson was at his show and she criticized him afterwards, calling his white supremacist message “incredibly irresponsible and dangerous.” Kanye then posted photos of Karefa-Johnson on his Instagram (which he later deleted) in which he made fun of her appearance, said that “this is not a fashion person” and called her a “droid.” The reaction from the fashion community was swift – Gigi Hadid and other celebrities and models called him out and defended Karefa-Johnson. Gigi wrote a comment on one of his posts:

“You wish u had a percentage of her intellect. You have no idea haha…. If there’s actually a point to any of your s— she might be the only person that could save u. As if the “honor” of being invited to your show should keep someone from giving their opinion ..? Lol. You’re a bully and a joke.”

[Via People]

Hailey Bieber sent support to Gabriella, writing: “My respect for you runs deep my friend! To know is to adore you and to work with you is an honor…the most kind. the most talented. the most fun. the most chic.” Vogue also took issue with Kanye’s harassment of Gabriella, which apparently was the final piece of the puzzle – Vogue’s official condemnation finally convinced Kanye to delete all of his body-shaming harassment. Then he posted an all-caps message about how he and Gabriella apologized to one another (jesus h.) and they’re all good now.

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Instagram.