
Here are some photos of Kim Kardashian on Tuesday in NYC, making an appearance at Barnes & Noble. She did a book signing – her book of selfies, Selfish, was released yesterday. Can we say a few words about her appearance? As some of you have noted in the comments, Kim seems to be borrowing her mother’s Botox-and-filler guy at this point. Either that or Kim has taken a photo of Kris Jenner’s current face into her plastic surgeon and Kim told the guy, “This is what I want to look like.” There’s simply no other explanation for why Kim and Kris’s faces are morphing into each other in the same, equally tweaked way. It’s actually pretty disturbing.

Also: I kind of believe Kim had some fresh butt (implant) work done recently. Between these photos and the Met Gala photos, it seems like her butt has been freshly Pinocchio’d.

As for the “meta” moment at Kim’s book signing… as I said, her new book is a book of selfies. Selfies she’s taken over the years. Sexy selfies, fashion selfies, glam selfies, cat-faced selfies, butt selfies, makeup selfies, ALL OF THE SELFIES. So here’s what’s funny: selfies were banned at her book signing. If you wanted to get a selfie with Kim while she was signing your book, you were out of luck.

I’m including a back view because seriously, she’s got some fresh Pinocchio Butt happening. And this skirt is an utter mess.


Photos courtesy of WENN.