
It looks like Kim had a long day!

Yesterday, Kim Zolciak took to Instagram to document her day with her two kids: Kane and Kaia. It definitely looks like the kids weren’t getting a long together, either! Uh oh! In the first picture Kim shared, you can see that Kane and Kaia aren’t wanting to share their toy Jeep:

Kim captioned the photo:

“Why must they always wanna play with the same toy #KaneIsGettingTougherHeIsOverKaiasFiestySelf”

Next, Kim shared a picture of Kaia playing with an iPad:

She captioned the photo:

“Let’s see how long Kaia has the iPad before Mr Kane steals it”

Finally, Kim added this photo as the day was coming to and end.


She captioned the photo:

“It’s Bath time for the little ones #Goodnight”

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