Hands down, one of the funniest stories of the week was King Charles and Queen Camilla being almost egged during their visit to York. Charles and Camilla were actually on a two-day tour of Yorkshire and they were doing a walkabout on Wednesday, where there was a decent crowd. Then a local 23-year-old man, described as a University of York student, decided to chuck a bunch of eggs at them. Apparently, the guy missed his target, but he managed to throw as many as FIVE eggs at Charles. He did so while shouting “this country was built on the blood of slaves!” Which is an accurate statement, egg or no egg.

Well, the man was reportedly arrested. We knew that the police detained him, but it was up in the air as to whether the guy would be charged with anything. I mean, felony egg tossing? Egg terrorism? While I don’t think “throwing eggs at the king” is nothing, it’s also not a capital offense. According to the BBC, he was arrested on “suspicion of a public order offence.” Which I assume is probably something akin to the American “disturbing the peace” law? It would probably be different if the dude had better aim and actually hit his target.

People praised Charles’s lowkey reaction to the egg-tossing, but I’m not entirely sure Charles understood (in the moment) that he was the victim of an attempted egging. Charles and his staff basically left the area swiftly, but they were running scared or anything. It should also be pointed out that all of the sycophantic royal commentators were absolutely gleeful months ago, during the Jubbly, at the idea that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex could be booed or disrespected by the crowds. And now that sh-t comes back on Charles and Camilla? The Eggs of Karma.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Cover Images.