Last week, Kit Harington gave an interview to Page Six which proved that much like his Game of Thrones character, Kit Harington Knows Nothing. Kit was discussing how he’s viewed as some kind of cute guy or heartthrob and instead of just wearing his cuteness lightly, with humor (after all, Kit is never going to light the world on fire with his acting talent), Kit decided to get sort of pissy about the whole thing:
“To always be put on a pedestal as a hunk is slightly demeaning. It really is and it’s in the same way as it is for women. When an actor is seen only for her physical beauty, it can be quite offensive. Well, it’s not just men that can be inappropriate sexually; women can be as well. I’m in a successful TV show in a kind of leading man way and it can sometimes feel like your art is being put to one side for your sex appeal. And I don’t like that. In this position you get asked a lot, ‘Do you like being a heartthrob? Do you like being a hunk?’ Well, my answer is, ‘That’s not what I got into it for.”
[From Previous CB story]
Many of us chuckled and some people even defended him. But for the most part, I think Kit needs to lighten up a bit about his image and celebrity. Looks like Kit got that message too – he sat down yesterday for an interview on Good Morning America, and he was asked about his “being a hunk is demeaning” statement – go here to see the video. Kit said:
“I’ve kind of decided I’m going to be a good little hunk and shut up…Yeah, I did get into trouble for that. It’s one of those–you say something and then didn’t realize people would jump on it.”
[From ABC News]
It doesn’t surprise me that he didn’t realize that his words had consequences. And that was one of the weird parts of his first statement – he acted like people were objectifying him at, like, Brad Pitt levels. Kit’s a cute guy on a hit TV show, and he only really makes news when he says something dumb. I guess he learned that lesson a little late.
Kit also told GMA that he’s starting to watch the show as a fan now, and he doesn’t want to know in advance what happens in other characters’ storylines. That’s a good way to approach it. I wish I could hang out with some of those actors and do a marathon of the past season. GAH. I can’t wait for Sunday.
Photos of Kit at the ABC Studios on Wednesday, courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
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