Laverne Cox got her own Barbie doll! That’s amazing. [Seriously OMG]
Holy crap, Viola Davis looks amazing in this suit. [GFY]
The Onion’s editors have had enough. [Buzzfeed]
The beef I’ve wanted for years: Kanye West v. the FEC. [Dlisted]
Homeschooling isn’t the solution to children being massacred. [Jezebel]
Please look at Bryce Dallas Howard’s shoulder pads & sleeves! [Tom & Lorenzo]
Did you guys watch the This Is Us series finale? [Pajiba]
This is what the kids consider a “passionate kiss.” [JustJared]
Leonardo DiCaprio is in St. Tropez with his bros. Where is Camila Morrone, who is just weeks shy of turning 25 years old? [LaineyGossip]
A city without phone booths… we will regret this one day. [Towleroad]
A review of Top Gun: Maverick. [Gawker]
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