Game of Thrones Season 5 is 17 days away. Can you feel it? I’m nervous as a cat! Who will die? Are the dragons going to fly free? Will Tyrion meet Dany? Will Ayra survive and thrive? And through it all, Cersei remains as bitchy as ever. It’s going to be interesting to see how she functions without her (spoiler) father. But one thing is for sure: everybody seems to love Lena Headey. She seems like a lot of fun, and she seems to befriend all of the new cast members. Lena is not the queen of bitchery like Cersei, it seems, although I have to admit that I don’t really know that much about Lena in real life. So I was happy to read her cover profile for More Magazine. Some highlights:
Her divorce from ex-husband Peter Loughran: “It’s tough. There’s a lot of hurt and sadness and disappointment. Grief. Massive grief. It’s a mourning process, and yet nobody’s died.”
Her battle with depression: “I haven’t had a spell in a long time. I think some people’s brains are just wired that way if you’re a thinker. People who never get anxious always amaze me. The world could be breaking up and they’re saying, ‘Everything’s fine!’ Getting older and having kids, you learn how to become less serious about it all.”
Her current mystery baby-daddy: “I like to keep my personal life private.”
She loves tattoos: “I always want more. It’s a terrible thing. I’ll be outside a tattoo shop and hear the needle and think, ‘I could just get a little one that nobody would see …’ ”
Peter Dinklage on Lena: “A lesser actress would play a wicked woman. But Lena approaches it as a mother lion—maybe because she’s a mother herself. Cersei will do anything to protect her own.”
Her future: “Nothing is concrete. Right now I’m having a very great moment, but it’s a moment, and I always think, okay, worst-case scenario: Could I survive in my car? Would this be okay? My friends call it disaster thinking. I like to think of it as realism.”
[From More Magazine via Us Weekly]
I like that Dinklage in quoted in the article – it feels like he doesn’t really do that much press around GoT (he receives a lot of press though), so it’s nice he thinks so highly of Lena. I also didn’t know she battles depression. I sort of agree with this statement, although I think her wording is odd: “I think some people’s brains are just wired that way if you’re a thinker.” Depression and manic-depression is in the wiring, I feel, and I believe the “if you’re a thinker” is a reference to the idea that with that kind of wiring, it feels like your brain just won’t shut down. But Lena sort of makes it sound like depression is related to intelligence, which… eh.
As for the mystery baby-daddy… who is it?! I still believe it’s Pedro Pascal.
Photos courtesy of David Slijper/MORE Magazine.
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