

A photo posted by Lindsay Lohan (@lindsaylohan) on May 13, 2015 at 12:03pm PDT

Here is an Instagram from Lindsay Lohan’s first day of community service in Brooklyn. Yes, she’s working with children. Those poor children. She’s trying to fulfill the last 115 hours of her court-ordered community service at the Brooklyn Community Center. First we heard that she was supposed to start over the weekend, but Lindsay had more cracked-out adventures to do, so she only arrived in New York a few days ago. Then we heard that she was supposed to start on Monday or Tuesday. Didn’t happen. Yesterday, Wednesday, was her first day. And of course she was late. TWO HOURS LATE.

115 … 114 … Lindsay Lohan is finally clicking off her community service hours in a desperate race to keep her ass out of jail — she reported for work in Brooklyn … and immediately reconnected with an old, young friend.

Our Lohan sources tell us Lindsay managed to sneak in a back entrance to the children’s daycare facility … dodging all the media gathered out front for her arrival. She showed up about 2 hours after she was expected — or roughly 90 minutes after most of the kids got there.

Lindsay ran into 5-year-old Donovan who she previously connected with during her docuseries with Oprah Winfrey. NBCNewYork.com tweeted out the photo of the reunion.

We’re told she’s scheduled to work an 8 hour day (which will leave her at 107 hours to go) — and administrators will expect her to arrive earlier starting Thursday.

[From TMZ]

Pretty typical. I’d like to hear from the kids and the parents what it was like when she finally breezed in, reeking of stale cigarettes and cheap tequila. “I’M HEERRRRE!” she crack-squawks, then hiccups. You know that’s exactly what happened. Okay, maybe it was cheap vodka and not tequila. My bad.

And here’s something that I’m sure will not be incredibly offensive to a large swath of people: Lindsay was carrying around a Koran (Qur?an) in Brooklyn. She even posed for some paparazzi photos with the holy book. Go here to see the photos. Sigh… I’m sorry, Muslims. I’m really sorry that this crackhead is carrying your holy book.

Photos courtesy of Instagram, Fame/Flynet.