Cosmo May '15 Cover 1

To promote her new album, Rebel Heart, Madonna covers the new issue of Cosmopolitan. Cosmo actually sent us the image of Madonna’s first Cosmo cover (from back in 1990) too. I personally don’t think they should have chosen Madonna-in-the-mask for this 2015 cover, but whatever. Madonna still wants to be seen as a provocateur, which apparently involves Mardi Gras masks. Here are some highlights from her interview:

On longevity in her career: “Popularity comes and goes. You need to know who you are, what you stand for, and why you’re here.”

On sexuality and ageism: “Don’t be fooled, not much has changed – certainly not for women. We still live in a very sexist society that wants to limit people. Since I started, I’ve had people giving me a hard time because they didn’t think you could be sexual or have sexuality or sensuality in your work and be intelligent at the same time. For me, the fight has never ended.”

On collaborating with Kanye West on her album Rebel Heart: “It’s a little bit of a bullfight, but we take turns. He knows that he’s walking into a room with a person with a strong point of view, and I do too. I listen to what he has to say, take it in, and he listens to what I say and takes it in. We didn’t agree on everything, but he has good ideas.”

On internet haters: “You can hide behind your computer or your phone and say whatever you want – you’re not known. Could you say it to my face? Would you say it to my face? I doubt it.”

[From Cosmopolitan]

The “would you say it to my face?” question has always intrigued me. Like, I don’t think I would have a problem telling a celebrity to their face that their outfit is ugly. I’m sort of blunt/rude like that. But would I tell Madonna to her 2015-Face that she needs to stop with the plastic surgery? Eh. I would probably chicken out.

As for Madonna’s continued conversation about sexism… her fight sometimes feels dated. And it feels like she only cares about how sexism affects her, not the plight of women everywhere. Is sexual agency a feminist cause? For sure. But is that the main crux of feminism? No.

Photos courtesy of Ellen Von Unwerth/Cosmopolitan and vintage cover by Francesco Scavullo.
Cosmo May '15 Cover 1
Cosmo May '15 Madonna 2
Madonna Cosmo May '90