Here are some photos of Mark Ruffalo at the premiere of his new film, Infinitely Polar Bear, a few nights ago. I keep calling this film Infinity Polar Bear, which I tend to think is a better name than Infinitely Polar Bear. Anyway, Ruffalo gave a rather epic interview to the Daily Beast to promote his new film – you can read the full piece here. He talks about his new movie (which is kind of boring and I’m not excerpting from that part), sexism, Marvel films and more. Some highlights:
On women taking their husbands’ names: “Where do they come from? It’s a patriarchal system across the board. Literally. Women have long said, “We’ve got to get this under control,” and they’ve been fighting that ever since. We’re having these conversations now in a real way and becoming aware of sexism; it’s so embedded in us. I grew up in an Italian family where the woman stayed home and the father went to work, and that stuff is still inside me. I have to make a conscious evaluation of my own. I have two girls. Even the way I talk to them, and what I expect of them, still has a sexism inside it that I have to be vigilant against. You become aware of it in bits and pieces. It’s so firmly ingrained because we’ve been doing it for so long.
The backlash against The Hulk & Black Widow’s romance: “I was trying to make a greater point than that. My wife turned me on to that, and I was like, “Yeah, right!” and then that turned into a much larger conversation—the whole thing with Joss Whedon, and the Bruce and Natasha relationship that pissed off so many people. I was like, “Come on, guys! You’re talking about a guy in Joss who does write some pretty strong women. I mean, Buffy. Come on dude! Come on!” So let’s reflect on that. Maybe it’s because we don’t have enough women playing these kinds of roles that you’re taking Joss to task for this.
There aren’t enough good roles for women: “That’s exactly what it is. So a man can be weak and no one says anything, but if a woman’s weak everyone’s like, “What the f–k is this?! You misogynist a–hole!” And you’re like, “What are you talking about? Go watch Buffy!” And I see Bruce Banner as the one who’s constantly being saved! He’s the one who’s emasculated. You don’t say anything about the fact that Scarlett is the one protecting him all the time, and the one time he goes around and does something for her, all of a sudden people are like, “What the F–K!” There’s just nowhere to hide with this s–t anymore.
Whether we could have a female president: “There could be. Unless Bernie Sanders comes in. I don’t know!
On the concerns that Bernie Sanders’ supporters won’t come out: “I don’t know, man! I remember the same thing was being said about Barack Obama. I think Sanders has a message. Hillary’s going to have to adopt Bernie’s message, and I think we’re going to be hearing a lot more from Bernie.
The Republicans: “It’s already a clown show. It’s incredible, the sh-t that comes out of their mouths. They’re going to drive off the cliff! They are, man. It’s out of control. There’s no even censoring it anymore. Americans don’t want billionaires running our government. They just don’t. And they’re sick of it. And they’re aware of it.
Working for Marvel versus doing indie films: “I want to be an indie actor, and want to keep doing these types of movies—Infinitely Polar Bear and Spotlight. They feed me. And Marvel feeds me and my kids, you know?”
[From The Daily Beast]
That’s interesting… I didn’t know that he was into Bernie Sanders and not Hillary Clinton. Sanders’ campaign has surprised me, mostly because he’s already playing perfectly into the wing of the Democratic party that was primed for an Elizabeth Warren candidacy. I wonder how Ruffalo would feel about Warren running? He would probably be all for it. Anyway, I like what he says about sexism and needing to be conscious of patriarchy every day in the way he deals with his daughters. Sigh… so underrated.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
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