
Here are some photos from yesterday’s London premiere of Spy, starring Melissa McCarthy, Jason Statham and Jude Law (a sentence I never thought I’d write). I honestly love everything about the concept for this film and I love everything about these photos. I feel like Melissa is living the dream for “normal” women. Melissa is not Angelina Jolie, she’s not Charlize Theron and by every imposed “studio rule,” Melissa should not have been hired to play the lead in an action-comedy starring two good-looking British actors famous for being heartthrobs. But here she is! And not only that, the entire film was built around her. And her costars (Jude and Jason especially) absolutely adored working with her. It’s giving me the feels. I love this.

As for Melissa’s style… I think she looks good, although I hate that the default for a plus-sized woman is to be covered from head-to-toe. She’s been doing empire-waist nouveau-caftans and breezy, oversized looks, but this covered-up maxi dress feels a bit too conservative for the big London premiere. If she wanted to go with sleeves, more power to her, but she could have showed off some cleavage or something. But like Melissa has said, she has issues shopping for clothes in her size. She’s lost weight too!

Don’t even ask what Jude Law is wearing. I don’t get it either, but God help me, I would still hit it. He looks smarmy, cheesy and BEAUTIFUL. Jason is looking good too. Bonus Miranda Hart!



Photos courtesy of WENN.