
Oh, hello Michael Fassbender. Fassy was out and about in NYC yesterday – these are photos of him leaving a hotel, where I suspect he was doing press for Slow West. God, I’ve been thinking about him so much lately. I have HBO these days (Game of Thrones) and they’ve been playing X-Men: Days of Future Past on a loop. Even though it’s kind of a terrible movie that makes no sense, I still get stuck watching it because of Fassy’s Magneto. I preferred him in X-Men: First Class, where he was basically Mutant James Bond, but God… Fassy is so watchable. Even when the film is terrible, I’ll watch him.

Anyway, there are some random Fassy stories/business to attend to:

*He’s still developing Assassin’s Creed, to star in and produce. Go here to read more about that.

*Fassy’s first feature producing venture, Slow West, debuted at Sundance this year to widespread acclaim. It will get some kind of limited theatrical release, and it’s also getting a DirectTV release, something something, whatever. To promote the movie, Vulture posted a scene from the film where Fassbender is damp and in dirty white long johns. It is an absolute SIN for a man to look that sexy in long johns. And yes, you can totally gawk at his cute butt and his barely-contained thunder – go here to watch the scene.

*Fassy spoke to MTV about his future in the X-Men films. He says that he, Jennifer Lawrence and Nicholas Hoult all signed three-film deals and so after X-Men: Apocalypse, J-Law and Hoult are probably done. But will he be done? He kind of leaves it open, but it feels like he might be done. There’s a video too – he sounds really hoarse here. Too many ciggies. I wish I was a throat lozenge. Let that percolate for a second.


Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.