Mila Kunis is currently promoting Luckiest Girl Alive, which is why she’s on the cover of C Magazine. I haven’t looked at Mila the same since she and Ashton Kutcher kicked off the whole “do rich white people bathe” conversation, which lasted for months. Mila and Ashton barely wash themselves or their children and they proudly announced that last summer. Well, their dirty asses also went to the Oscars this year, and Mila used this interview to brag about how she and Ashton didn’t stand up for Will Smith when he won Best Actor (which happened an hour after he slapped Chris Rock). Predictably, Mila has a particularly smug and patronizing take on that and many other subjects. Some highlights from C:

Mila & Ashton didn’t stand for Will Smith: “The idea of leading by example, only makes sense when you actually have someone to lead. We have our tiny little tribe here at home, and never once do I want to tell them to do something if I’m not willing to do it myself. Not standing up to me was a no-brainer, but what was shocking to me was how many people did stand up. I thought, wow, what a time we’re living in that rather than do what’s right, people focus on doing what looks good. It’s insane to me.”

On her Ukrainian-Soviet roots: “I’m American. I assimilated so quickly. I don’t speak Ukrainian, and my Russian is stunted at an 8-year-old level. But I will say that this war gave me a sense of identity larger than being just American. Having kids changes your perspective. When I was in my twenties, even my teens, my drive was always ‘how can I be more successful at work?’ After I had kids, it was ‘how can I be a person that I want my kids to admire?’ So I went from career growth to self-growth. When the war broke out, my kids identified that Ukraine was a part of me before I did. They were like, ‘Mom, isn’t that where you’re from? Do we have family there? There’s a war happening—what are we doing about it?’ ”

Their Los Angeles farm: “My husband’s from the Midwest, and a lot of this has to do with his upbringing. He’s like, we’re building a farm and we’re all going to work on the farm. I’m from L.A., and I was like, we are? This has been a big learning curve for all of us. My parents make fun of me that it probably costs more to grow a tomato here than to get one at the store. But I say, at least my kids will understand the value of a tomato and how much work goes into growing it. It’s good not to be afraid to get dirty. I was just listening to a doctor who said that the people who grow and thrive in life are comfortable being uncomfortable, daily. Whether it’s learning something new, doing something a little bit scary—all of that makes you stronger.”

The family took a trip in a van: “A trip like this can allow you to love America again. You drive through a lot of red states. Clearly we were from California. No one cared. It was more like, oh, what are you guys grilling? Want to trade? What kind of beer do you have? We’d hang out, talk until midnight. The people we met were wonderful. You realize how the news can create a divide that doesn’t naturally exist, and how much more alike we are than different.”

A beach house in the “weird little town” of Santa Barbara: Back in California, the family divides time between L.A. and their home outside Santa Barbara, which offers the children a reprieve from what Kunis calls “the fishbowl.” Recently her daughter asked whether, if she were to enter her name into Google, she would see paparazzi pictures of herself. “That was a bummer,” Kunis says. The beach house, by contrast, gives them “privacy but with people. It’s a weird little town where no one cares who you are. After two days they all got used to it.”

[From C Magazine]

Oh, we just take the dirty children to our quaint little beach house in a tiny, weird little town called Santa Barbara, where the beach houses go for anywhere between $5 million and $90 million! Seriously, none of those backwater yokels even understand how famous we are, it’s so refreshing, darling! We do that in between looking after our city farm, where we don’t have to adhere to drought conditions to water these precious tomatoes, my dear. But don’t mind me, I am merely an iconic heroine who has to recount my own heroics to a magazine just so they know that it was terribly wrong to stand for a Black man winning an Oscar!

Seriously though, she sounds like a complete a–hole. If you didn’t like Will Smith slapping Chris Rock, okay, fine. It was wrong and he shouldn’t have done it, there. But the slap wasn’t the greatest moral dilemma of our time, for f–ks sake. It’s not like it would occur to Mila that all of the people in the Dolby who stood for Will when he won his Oscar were actually appreciating his work? Or they were genuinely happy for their friend and colleague?

Photos courtesy of C Magazine.