Natalie Portman’s Lady In the Lake AppleTV series, which is filming in Baltimore, had to pause the production because they were getting extortion threats? [Gawker]
A new Covid/Omicron booster is coming soon! [Buzzfeed]
Mariah Carey told the Duchess of Sussex that she too had “diva moments.” [Dlisted]
Bennifer is back in LA following their Italian honeymoon. [LaineyGossip]
Britney Spears posted a 20-minute video talking about her conservatorship. [OMG Blog]
Ghislaine Maxwell has become BFFs with a murderer in prison. [Jezebel]
Julia Fox remains desperate for our attention. [Go Fug Yourself]
Director James Gunn has a sh-tlist too. [Just Jared]
Five Days at Memorial sounds harrowing. [Pajiba]
The United Nations is very concerned about America’s homophobia. [Towleroad]
Is this Seeking Sister Wife family actually polyamorous? [Starcasm]
Dove Cameron goes behind-the-scenes at the VMAs. [Egotastic]
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