Some will argue, but I think the Sussexes’ Oprah interview was more of a “cultural reset” than Meghan’s The Cut profile. Maybe that will change as more people read and reread the profile and really analyze what she was saying. But the Oprah interview was just wall-to-wall impact immediately, even for weeks before the interview aired. I bring that up because the British media is still grasping for ways to criticize Meghan’s The Cut profile. So they focused on Meghan’s story about how she went to the Lion King premiere soon after she gave birth to Archie. According to Meghan, a South African cast member pulled her aside and “He said, ‘I just need you to know: When you married into this family, we rejoiced in the streets the same we did when Mandela was freed from prison.’” She was not comparing herself to Nelson Mandela, she was trying to capture the global interest in her marriage, and how big it was that a Black American woman married into this ancient colonizer family. So, the Daily Mail got in touch with Mandela’s grandson who (of course) blasted Meghan for thinking that she’s just like Mandela.

Nelson Mandela’s grandson today slammed Meghan Markle for suggesting her marriage to Prince Harry sparked scenes of joy in South Africa reminiscent of the 1990 release of the legendary anti-apartheid campaigner after 27 years in jail, telling MailOnline: ‘It can never be compared to the celebration of someone’s wedding.’

Zwelivelile ‘Mandla’ Mandela has said he was ‘surprised’ at her remarks in The Cut magazine when she claimed that three years ago a cast member of the Lion King had made the comparison between her royal wedding and Madiba’s historic walk to freedom.

He said: ‘Madiba’s celebration was based on overcoming 350 years of colonialism with 60 years of a brutal apartheid regime in South Africa. So It cannot be equated to as the same.’ Referring to Meghan, he said: ’Every day there are people who want to be Nelson Mandela, either comparing themselves with him or wanting to emulate him. But before people can regard themselves as Nelson Mandelas, they should be looking into the work that he did and be able to be champions and advocates of the work that he himself championed’.

The furore was sparked by a 6,409-word article called ‘Meghan of Montecito’ published yesterday, where the former Suits star recalled an encounter she had at the 2019 London premiere of a live-action version of the Disney classic. She said an actor from South Africa pulled her aside and told her: ‘I just need you to know: When you married into this family, we rejoiced in the streets the same we did when Mandela was freed from prison’.

But MailOnline has learned that the story has astonished the Mandela family. ‘Mandla’ Mandela, an MP and Chief of the late South African President’s Mvezo tribe, said he was ‘surprised’ at her remarks.

[From The Daily Mail]

First of all, it’s amazing to me that the Mail has been continuously noting the NUMBER OF WORDS IN THE CUT PROFILE. They are outraged about the fact that The Cut profile was so long! How dare a Black woman think she deserves WORDS?? As for what Zwelivelile ‘Mandla’ Mandela has to say… it reminds me of a story I didn’t cover at the time, which was when the Mail did the exact same f–king thing when Prince Harry spoke at the United Nations. Harry was invited by the Mandela Foundation to speak for Mandela Day. The Mail interviewed one of Mandela’s relatives and quoted her as saying it was awful because Harry is white and he’s nothing like Mandela. The Mail did the same thing here – even though Meghan is simply recounting what someone told her (within a particular context), they’re desperately trying to make it sound like she believes she’s Nelson Mandela. (Now, do I also think that Meghan could have avoided this dumbass plotline? Yes. She’s smart enough to know how that particular story would get twisted.)

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, WENN, Backgrid.