LOL. The British media and the Windsors spent all weekend freaking out about the Netflix teaser trailer for Harry & Meghan, the docuseries which has been in the works for two-plus years, and now Netflix has released another trailer, bright and early on the East Coast on Monday morning. This answers one big question for me, which is about how Netflix will release the series, whether we’ll get all of the episodes at once or whether it will be a weekly drop. We’re apparently getting the six episodes split into two volumes, spread out in two weeks. Which makes it the perfect companion weekly piece for the release of Harry’s Spare memoir. Harry told these motherf–kers to stop trying to kill his wife and now he’s going to burn the whole f–king thing down.
Yep. I’m glad Harry’s thinking has evolved too – I often believe Harry has (historically) put too much emphasis on the media’s culpability and not his family’s. The British media is ridiculous, racist, hateful, hideous and sexist. But so many of the royal storylines are not being plucked out of thin air – they are being “planted,” as Harry says in the trailer. The royal courts actively briefed against the Sussexes, it wasn’t just a solely media-generated campaign. Anyway, Salt Island was already screaming, crying and throwing up, I imagine there will be some day-drinking happening today.
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