So many of you are counting down the days until Crimson Peak is released (in October). I’m not one of you. While I like Tom Hiddleston, Jessica Chastain and Mia Wasikowska, I’m a big ol’ scaredy cat when it comes to intense horror stories like this. If there’s a ghostly apparition or a painting of a child that suddenly comes to life, I’m out. But since Hiddles is the closest thing to crack around here, I will provide the Crimson Peak-related stuff. On Tuesday, they released new production stills and an “interactive” (video) poster. Today, they’ve just released the latest trailer. You can see the new trailer here or watch the embed below:

This is your home now. Watch the exclusive new trailer for #CrimsonPeak.

— #CrimsonPeak (@crimsonpeak) May 13, 2015

So scary. I can’t even. Although I did enjoy the voice p0rn from Tom Hiddleston. He has a great voice and I never realized how menacing it could be. Weird, right? And that part where he’s climbing on top of her? Crap, I’m probably going to have to see this. Damn it! I’m going to have nightmares for weeks but it will be worth it if Tommy is The (Dangerous/Horrific) Sex.

Here’s the “poster” or whatever. See, even this scared the crap out of me.

New motion poster for #CrimsonPeak. Look for the new trailer tomorrow!

— #CrimsonPeak (@crimsonpeak) May 12, 2015


Production stills from ‘Crimson Peak’.