I CANNOT WAIT!!! The long-awaited “truth bombs” are coming, y’all. Prince Harry is ready. He’s been ready to call out his trash family. Ahead of the last three episodes of Harry & Meghan coming out on Thursday, Netflix has released another trailer. It’s badass.

“You’re on the Freedom Flight” with that cheeky smile. Harry knew. He pulled it off. He escaped, he got his wife and son out of there and they survived. “To see this institutional gaslighting” THAT’S MY KING!!! “I wasn’t being thrown to the wolves, I was being fed to the wolves.” AN IMPORTANT DISTINCTION, MEGHAN, THANK YOU. Christopher Bouzy coming in and talking about what was happening online, and the recruitment of bots, trolls and liars… that’s going to be fascinating.

“They were happy to lie to protect my brother. They were never willing to tell the truth to protect us.” And then Tyler Perry!! Yes!! OMG, this is going to be amazing.

Meanwhile, people are still crying about how the Sussexes excluded photos of William and Kate from their 2018 wedding in the Netflix series. The only thing I’ll say about that is that I hope Meghan says something about how Kate was a C-U-Next-Tuesday to her around the wedding, and how Kate wore white to the wedding.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Netflix.