The Olivia Nuzzi-Robert Kennedy Jr. story is still buzzing around, even if DC media is doing way too much to minimize Nuzzi’s actions. To recap, Nuzzi profiled Kennedy late last year, then she apparently began a digital affair with him around New Year’s. According to Kennedy-sources, Nuzzi barraged him with nude photos and at various points during the year, he blocked her. Other sources say that their affair was partially in person, and that it was much more mutual than Kennedy is making it out to be. Semafor’s editor recently wrote an astounding piece about how everyone in DC sleeps with their sources and it’s no biggie. Interestingly, there seems to be a flat admission that Kennedy was Nuzzi’s “source” as she wrote anti-Biden hit pieces and repeatedly claimed that Kennedy’s candidacy was legitimate. Anyway, apparently Nuzzi still hasn’t been fired and her bosses are telling staffers to keep quiet.

Staff at the New York Magazine have been warned by Vox Media bosses not to speak about Olivia Nuzzi’s secret relationship with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Business Insider reports. A letter sent Tuesday from the parent group Vox Media told them not to engage in the discourse surrounding Nuzzi, while the New York magazine’s editor David Haskell is believed to be against public criticism from colleagues.

Some employees are also said to be confused over why Nuzzi had not been fired. The magazine’s editors put her on leave last week over reports, which were broken by the Status newsletter writer Oliver Darcy, that a relationship between the two had started after she wrote a profile piece of the then-presidential candidate.

A statement from the magazine said: “Had the magazine been aware of this relationship, she would not have continued to cover the presidential campaign.” It also said that the secret was a “violation of our readers’ trust.” Other employees are said to have some sympathy for the magazine’s star reporter while still condemning her behavior.

[From The Daily Beast]

I find it notable that Nuzzi hasn’t been fired and that Vox Media seems to be circling the wagons. It’s also notable that so many men in media are minimizing or shrugging off Nuzzi’s actions, including lying to her editor about the affair. Some women in media are also minimizing it, to be fair, but most female journalists are appalled by what she’s done. As much as I hoped that Nuzzi would be fired and blacklisted, I really don’t think that’s going to happen. She’ll probably be suspended throughout the rest of the election cycle, and then New York Magazine will bring her back. Either that or they will fire her but she’ll land on her feet immediately and become a right-wing media darling.

Photos courtesy of Instagram, screencaps courtesy of HBO and NY Magazine.