Nicholas Hoult

Nicholas Hoult appears in the May issue of GQ to promote Mad Max: Fury Road. You can see the shoot (where a dalmatian steals his hat) here. If you’ve seen any of the movie’s clips, you know that Nick plays an absolutely bonkers guy (Nux) who careens through the desert wearing ghoulish makeup. Nick had to shave his head for the role, and he told E! that he enjoyed endured the experience: “It was quite freeing in a way. Once you’ve gotten rid of it it’s like ‘don’t have to invest in shampoo anymore. There’s also the moment where it gets very short, and then it gets like Velcro.” That quote is actually better if you read it aloud in the suave Hoult voice. Nick also gave some “advice” to GQ readers:

Does he like giving advice? “Not really. To be honest, I don’t think people should listen to my advice. And most of the time, people don’t really want advice anyway. They just want to hear what they want.”

The worst advice forever: “Drink more. Have that shot.”

Should you split a check? “You should always offer to split a check. There’s a lot of complications in that question because you have to take into account where you’ve gone, who decided the place. How expensive the place is, who ordered what. Always offer.”

If your girlfriend won’t stop bringing her friends on dates: “Put a positive spin on it. You want spend more time alone with her. Quality time. You have to say that. Always be positive.”

[From GQ]

Nick says all of these things in a self-deprecating manner, and he jokingly refuses to give advice to a reader who wants to ask his girlfriend to do some “ladyscaping.” The question about splitting a check is probably the most quoteworthy. He’s probably talking about a night out with friends, but I think it also applies to an initial date. So I’m gonna interpret Nick’s advice to also mean that ladies should be prepared to split the tab with a fella. Agreed? Go.

Here’s the “advice” clip from GQ.

Nicholas Hoult

Photos courtesy of David Burton/GQ & WENN
