Actress Olivia Wilde and fiancé, SNL alum Jason Sudeikis, celebrated their sons Otis‘ first birthday on April 20. While promoting her new documentary, Body Team 12, the mom-of-one, 31, couldn’t help but gush about her son and the first year of motherhood.
“Oh yes my Birth-Day! Labor day as my mother in-law calls it!” she told E! News of her son’s first birthday. “We had an awesome celebration and especially in the mist of bringing Body Team 12 to the festival, I felt even more fortunate to be able to celebrate with Otis and be able to allow him to have this happy, happy day.”
She added, “I just feel so lucky and I am so overwhelmed with happiness.”
In an Instagram image posted Monday night, the actress shared a funny photo posing on a giant stuffed animal.
“One year old birthday party semi-survivor,” she captioned the image.
One year old birthday party semi-survivor.
A photo posted by Olivia Wilde (@oliviawilde) on Apr 20, 2015 at 9:00pm PDT
In her new documentary, Wilde explores the devastating impacts of the Ebola virus.
“As a mother, of course it is even more painful to imagine leaving my son as an orphan and it hits you harder in every way to witness the suffering of children,” she shared. “I also emphasize with mothers now in a different way and I can’t think of more of heroic story like this. My son Otis is an example of one of the fortunate ones and I am going to raise Otis with a sense of awareness and responsibility and he should know he got lucky. He won the life lottery!”
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