I was about to go on a rant against PETA, but I have to bite my tongue. PETA sent out a notice and an open letter asking Derick Dillard to apologize for sledding over a small ginger kitty. My first thought was: “Why are they making a stink about that and not the bloody, macabre horror show that was Kid Rock’s Rolling Stone interview?” But as it turns out, PETA did make a statement about the Kid Rock interview. That’s why I’m biting my tongue… this time.

As we discussed yesterday, Derick Dillard is a jackass. He aimed his sled (a baking sheet) straight at a little kitty, just minding her own business. PETA’s “Director of Christian Outreach and Engagement” (???) sent out the following open letter to Dillard:

Dear Mr. Dillard,

I’m writing to you as PETA’s director of Christian outreach and engagement in response to the video you posted on your Instagram account on March 1, which depicts you apparently purposely sledding directly into an unsuspecting cat. Almost more disturbing than your enjoyment in it was your family’s.

Might doesn’t make right, but that’s the message you’ve sent to scores of impressionable young children and loyal fans. I hope you’ll publicly apologize for your actions and remind your followers that Jesus’ command to “do unto others” includes all of God’s creatures.

Sarah Withrow King
Director of Christian Outreach and Engagement

[From PETA]

Many of you pointed out that the Catholics do animal-rights better than the Baptists. I’ve never really thought about it that way, mostly because I’m surrounded by Baptists in a very dog-friendly area. But yes, I think as far as religious doctrines go, the Catholics probably do animal rights better than the Baptists or whatever wingnut offshoot the Duggars and the Dillards are. And while PETA is usually “no bueno,” I don’t mind them calling out Derick Dillard at all. I still feel a pang for this poor kitty.

Sledding with friends and family at the Duggar home #smallestsled

A video posted by Derick Dillard (@derickdillard) on Feb 28, 2015 at 9:18pm PST

Photos the Dillard-Duggars’ social media.