I think it’s extremely cool when people go back to college later in their lives to complete their degrees or try for a masters or law degree or a PhD. I find it inspirational and a great reminder that formal education doesn’t have to stop in your late teens or early twenties. So it is with Pippa Middleton. Since marrying Terribly Moderately Wealthy James Matthews, Pippa has lived a life of a privileged stay-at-home wife and mother. She and James have two children, Arthur and Grace, and a third on the way. Think about how easy it would be for Pippa to just raise her kids and have lunch with other “yummy mummies” and do some light charity work a few times a year. Instead, Pippa went back to school and got her master’s.

Pippa Middleton is set to graduate from her Master’s degree with a distinction as one of her papers will be presented at a key summit. Studious Pippa, 38, who conducted research into how parents encourage their children into activity from a young age, has just finished her degree at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David.

After completing her studies, the mother-of-two, who is rumoured to be pregnant with her third child, opened up about the challenges of studying while parenting.

She said: ‘Getting back into studying took some getting used to but I felt really well supported by the team at UWTSD. The nature of the course being divided into specific modules also meant that it was easier to compartmentalise what was required each term… I have enjoyed the balance of work and motherhood and getting back into reading, writing, and learning again.’

She carried out her study as part of her degree in physical education, sport and physical literacy. It looked into how parents of children who have not yet started nursery can encourage and promote movement that will benefit them in later life.

A statement from the University said the ‘star student was able to bring a unique perspective to the study as a parent and scholar and a passion for the work that was informed by her own experiences with a young family.’

She said her experience raising her young children inspired her to look into the activity of preschool kids. ‘I am passionate about sport and exercise and also love being with children. I wanted to find a topic that combined these two and felt that there wasn’t enough information, knowledge or focus on early years physical development for mums particularly. I wanted to learn to not only help my own children but to also continue work in the field to stress the importance of children moving from an early age.’

The mother’s findings suggested parents need to be better informed about how to increase physical activity in their young children.

[From The Daily Mail]

The fact that Pippa’s Early Years research is more coherent and data-intensive than her sister’s Early Years busywork is not lost on me. I mean, it doesn’t sound like Pippa’s “physical fitness in the Early Years” is anything more than “parents should encourage their kids to play sports,” but still. At least Pippa didn’t have a huge staff create an “Keenwell Early Years foundation” to host symposiums on how people should be more aware of the importance of the Early Years. Pippa went back to school and – GASP – actually became a credible expert with a master’s in her field of interest. Also: there’s legitimate work and study being done about the importance of playtime and sports for kids’ development. This isn’t some vague sh-t like Kate’s Five Big Questions.

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