Keira Knightley is also doing her final push for her Oscar nomination, just like her costar Benedict Cumberbatch. Although Keira seems more content with the idea that she’s not going to win, which is true. Keira seems to be having a lot of fun though, perhaps because she’s riding the wave of pregnancy hormones. She just seems happier than she’s ever been, and when she appeared on The Ellen Show, she was uncharacteristically chatty. They talked a lot about her pregnancy, how she’s dying for a cocktail, and whether she knows the sex of the baby. Some highlights:
She just wants a margarita: “I can’t drink. I’m up for an Oscar and I can’t drink at the Oscars. I went to the doctor – you have to get lots of doctor checkups when you’re pregnant – and she asked if I had any questions. And I said, ‘Yes! When can I drink!? Please! I just want a Margarita’.”
James Righton loves champagne: “My husband’s having a great time. I’m eating for two and he’s drinking for two. There’s a lot of free champagne so he thinks because I’m not drinking the free champagne he has to. All of it.”
The idea of having a boy: “Somebody said to me the other day the problem with boys is – sorry this is horrible – but when you’re changing their nappies you can get the wee in your face. Yeah you see? I’ve got a lot of people nodding at me, but I never knew that before so it was terrifying.”
[From TV3]
Keira also said she and James hadn’t found out the sex of the baby and everyone has a theory about what she’s carrying. Ellen thinks she’s carrying a boy, but Keira said people have been telling her it’s probably a girl. As for the drinking thing – some doctors say different things, and I always think that British and European women get different drinking advice than American women. American women are usually told: don’t drink alcohol while pregnant, the end. But I’m sure many of Keira’s girlfriends probably have an odd glass of wine here and there. I’m actually sort of surprised that she’s not drinking at all! Although margaritas probably aren’t advisable under any circumstance.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
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