Trooping the Colour happened one week ago. I was surprised when the Duke and Duchess of Sussex ended up going to it because for weeks/months beforehand, the conversation in the UK was about how the Queen “banned” Harry and Meghan from the balcony. As it turned out, all of the royal and royal-adjacent cousins did go to Trooping and they watched the festivities from the Major General’s Office. This week, Mike Tindall revealed something else: there was a “cousins lunch” last Thursday. And Harry & Meghan skipped it.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry skipped a cousins’ lunch during their Jubilee visit after “not checking the family’s diaries”. Mike Tindall, 43, revealed that while key members of the Royal family had a meal after the Trooping the Colour on Thursday, the Queen’s grandchildren enjoyed a lunch together.

Appearing on The Good, The Bad and The Rugby podcast, Zara Phillips’ husband said “the cousins” spent some quality time together after watching the grand event from the Major General’s Office. Mr Tindall said: “It was outstanding, to be fair. It was just great to be a part of. We had a good cousins’ lunch on the Thursday. That was a highlight.”

But it is understood the Duke and Duchess of Sussex went straight back to Frogmore Cottage after watching the event with the Tindalls.

[From The Sun]

What is this sh-t about “not checking the family’s diaries”? These people, my God. It can’t be “Harry and Meghan were invited to the lunch but they declined.” They had only arrived in the UK less than 24 hours beforehand, they were probably still jetlagged and they clearly wanted to just avoid most of the family.

Speaking of nasty British reporting, batsh-t crazy Angela Levin has been blanketing the British media, talking all kinds of idiotic crap. That crap then gets turned into bonkers headlines like “Royal expert: Harry and Meghan pissed on a corgi as Netflix filmed it all.” Levin is the one claiming that Harry and Meghan “didn’t check” William’s diary. Levin claims H&M were terribly rude to William and Kate because… the Sussexes invited them to Lili’s birthday party. Levin claims Harry is “very, very upset that he was largely ignored. He still feels he’s owed an apology.” Yeah… no. Harry was ready to fight everyone in that church if they said sh-t, but that’s not the same as “being mad because his dirtbag family is petty.”

Oh, and Levin also claimed that she “heard” that Netflix wanted Harry and Meghan to take photos with the royals “because they would have sold it. It would be very valuable, very valuable to them.” I am begging everyone to stop using this unwell woman as a royal expert. She is completely off her f–king rocker.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Instar.