In his ITV interview, Prince Harry made some comments about racism and unconscious bias which… were not his best moment. I called the comments “messy,” although I acknowledged in my post that it was more than likely that Harry had tailored his comments for the British audience, an audience which believes the victims of racism are just as culpable as the perpetrators of racism. Interestingly, in his 60 Minutes interview, Anderson Cooper asked Harry specifically about the “royal racist” who had “concerns” about what color his children’s skin would be, which is the story Harry and Meghan told in the Oprah interview. That clip was shown on the CBS morning show:

First of all, while I have respect for Hans Zimmer, this clip shows why 60 Minutes should have just devoted the whole hour to Harry. There’s no reason to withhold this clip on the 60 Minutes broadcast and then give it to CBS Mornings. Harry says in the clip: “The way the British press reacted to that was fairly typical. There was like a hunt for the royal racist. Neither of us believe that that comment or that experience or that opinion was based in racism. Unconscious bias, yes.” Harry says that white people are always going to “wonder” what mixed-race babies are going to look like. Harry also says “the key word here was ‘concern’ – as opposed to curiosity.” He also maintains the same thing he said in the Oprah interview, which is that he won’t reveal who said that.

I mean, given everything we know now and the other “concerns” William had about Harry and Meghan’s marriage, I think we can absolutely figure out who said it. I understand why Harry isn’t naming him specifically. I also understand how Harry saying the word “racism” tends to suck all of the air out of the room and it becomes the sole story, no matter what, in the British media. All that being said, it’s racism. We can say that. He can say that. The person who tried to convince Harry to not marry Meghan because of what their children would look like is racist. And Susan Hussey’s interrogation of Ngozi Fulani was racist too.

Photos courtesy of ‘60 Minutes.’.