Scotty’s Little Soldiers is a UK charity which provides bereavement support to children whose parents served and died in the British armed forces. Prince Harry has done special videos for the charity and his aim is always to help kids who have lost their parents. Since he lost a parent as a child and since he served in combat, Harry has a special interest in these kids. You can read more about Scotty’s Little Soldiers and/or donate here.

This year, Harry recorded a special message for Scotty’s Little Soldiers and of course he wore a Spiderman costume. I would imagine that Archie is very into Spiderman, right? Archie is that age, and there’s something about Tom Holland – apparently, kids just adore him. Did Harry rent the Spiderman costume or does he own it? How does Meghan feel about it? These are important questions because I need to know if Harry ever mentions his Spidey Sense. The message from Harry is lovely:

“Christmas is a time when we miss our loved ones really, really badly, and that’s OK, but at the same time, it can be possible to feel guilty for having fun without our parents. But I’m here to assure you that our parents always want us to have fun, so don’t feel guilty. You’re allowed to have the best time ever, especially with this Scotty’s Little Soldiers community.”

[From Page Six]

A wonderful message, especially for kids – you don’t have to feel guilty on top of missing your parents. You can miss them and have fun. He’s so lovely and natural.

Photos courtesy of Instar, Backgrid, Scotty’s Little Soldiers.