Here are more photos from the Princess of Wales’s trip to a Ukrainian Community Center in Reading on Thursday. This is the second time in a month she’s worn that £460 Max&Co coat, which is strikingly similar to a famous camel coat worn by the Duchess of Sussex. Kate’s polka-dotted, high-collar dress is from LK Bennett and it retails for £279. She also wore her favorite Annoushka Pearl Drop earrings. She brought a photographer with her and then the photos were distributed to media outlets after some Photoshop elves worked on them.

This was the second time Kate has visited a Ukrainian center. The first time, she went to a Ukrainian center with William, and he made a complete ass out of himself. He apparently expressed shock that people were seeing war on European soil and that British people “were more used to seeing conflict in Africa and Asia.” He also said: “It’s very alien to see this in Europe. We are all behind you. We feel so useless.” When one volunteer thanked William for coming, he said: “I’m sorry we can only come and give words…we can give you the odd smile here and there…” Keep in mind, on that visit, Kate actually did bring granola bars and brownies for the volunteers. On Thursday, she showed up empty-handed, even though the director of the center literally greeted her with bread and salt. THEY were giving HER something. From the Times:

The Princess of Wales comforted a Ukrainian mother who wept as she described how she fled the horrors of the war with Russia.

“I wish we could do more” said the princess during a meeting with families at the Reading Ukrainian Community Centre. Praising their bravery, she said: “You’re showing a resilience, I’m overwhelmed by how strong you all are.”

Galina Bolebrukh, 39, who arrived in the UK with her mother Iryne and three-year-old son Renat, wiped away a tear as she told the princess how she fled Ukraine with her family and a few clothes. Kate placed her hand on her own heart and said: “I wish we could do more.” Later she told the mother, whose husband remained in Ukraine to fight the Russian invasion: “Everything you’ve experienced is so understandable.”

The centre has been the hub of the Ukrainian community in Berkshire for years but has now focused much of its efforts in supporting Ukrainians arriving in the UK, and delivering medical equipment and humanitarian aid to those on the front line. The princess posed for a picture with Bolebrukh’s son on her lap and did the same with another little girl.

When Kate arrived she was greeted by a group of officials led by the centre’s chairman Antonio Gresko, and after receiving the traditional Ukrainian welcome gifts of bread and salt, she told the group “having a charity centre like this is a lifeline”.

She chatted to groups of Ukrainian families sitting at tables in the centre, home to the Berkshire branch of the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain, the country’s largest representative body for Ukrainians and people of Ukrainian descent. She sympathised with a group of women, telling them: “It’s still all going on and you have loved ones and family in Ukraine, they still see the horrors of war every day.”

The Royal Foundation had a virtual meeting with Zelenska’s team last week to discuss working together on a mental health strategy to address the impact the conflict is having upon the mental wellbeing of Ukrainians.

[From The Times]

One, that must have been the “phone call” on the Court Circular last week – a call between “the Royal Foundation” and Olena Zelenska’s office. Two, she’s telling refugees “I wish we could do more” after showing up empty-handed at their community center? She literally has a royal foundation at her disposal! She wishes she could do more? Bitch, DO MORE. Rent a U-haul and fill it with nonperishable food, paper towels, soap, adult clothes, kids’ clothes, shoes, socks, gift cards to local shops and disposable cell phones. Literally send out a press release telling people how to donate to Ukrainian charities!! For f-cks sake, Kate. Stop looting the dead queen’s jewelry and actually DO something.

Photos courtesy of Avalon Red, Backgrid, Cover Images.