Do you think someone sat down with Kate, the Princess of Wales, and told her that she needs to stop flapping her hands and making crazy-looking expressions when she’s doing events? I think that might have happened because suddenly, Kate is actually making somewhat normal expressions and she’s not freeze-posing so hard. Did someone train her? Did she decide to try something new? It’s a mystery. Here are more photos from Kate’s event on Wednesday, where she visited the Colham Manor Children’s Centre. I didn’t realize this at the time, but it was her inaugural event as patron of the Maternal Mental Health Alliance. So there, she’s also added a new patronage. She even spoke off-the-cuff during the round-table. By that I mean, she didn’t read off of notes, but I’m sure some comments were prepared for her and she memorized them, that’s my guess.
Praising the work of the centre, she said: “You hear time and time again about the stigma associated with reaching out for help.
“…so much of the adversity comes from the lack of connection, whether that’s relationships or your physical connections with people within your community and you’re providing both here, so I think more places like this would be so valuable.”
In a later conversation she added: “People are so isolated and disconnected [so] to be able to come together and feel that they are part of something, the sense of family comes up all the time – feeling like they belong, feeling like they can have trusted people that can listen to them.”
She continued: “It’s so needed in communities across the board, whether that’s talking to the vulnerable, homelessness, or addiction – they need the same as what mums need and if we can try and join the dots within community provision right from the start, ultimately you’re helping that next generation.”
Sky News praised her to the hilt for what she said, and her comments amount to “people need a sense of community, people need help.” I also feel like Kate and William’s public comments these days – just in general – always have the feel of some kind of subtweet of Meghan and Harry. Like… Kate is taking about women who feel isolated in their pregnancies and isolated as mothers, you know, just like Kate and the royals isolated Meghan when she was suicidal and begging for help, remember?
Here’s a video from her visit. I’ll give her some credit, she’s gotten a lot better at solo events and speaking in these round-table discussions. I can tell that she’s still got issues with speaking off-the-cuff, but this is a vast improvement from where she was two years ago. The thing with the little boy and the poppy was a set-up. The boy barely knew what was happening.
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